War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Read online

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appearing to not notice him meters away. Jinks waved a hand ordering the man to look towards him which he saw the man’s eyes shift towards him that widen seeing him. He made a come gesture watching as the man got off his horse and walked towards him which he backed up going into the cave as the man followed. Jinks jerked his eyes open with a gasp remembering getting a vision of Lance lying in the cave and the man inside the cave seeing his father’s body lying there before darting out of view. He rolled over to sit up feeling shock running through him. With a sigh he eyed the clock seeing it was early evening felt himself sleepy got up from the bed and went into the bathroom where he yanked off his clothes and shoes leaving them piled on the floor. He grabbed his pajama pants off the hook from the bathroom door and put them on. Jinks rubbed a hand through his hair and went to the bedroom out of the bathroom to his bed which he yanked back the blankets. He eyed the bed with relief got into it and threw the blankets over his head as he turned on his left side and shut his eyes.

  Jinks dreamed of the beach facing his father who still had that black eyed glare on his face. Jinks frowned seeing his father glaring at him which made him nervous.

  He stared at his father who spoke “I have plans and that requires you attending that wedding and the reception following it you were invited to.”

  He groaned softly and felt Lance’s hand on his throat gagging him.

  He stared at Lance who spoke “I expect you to attend that wedding and reception with no protest from you or you’ll suffer my wrath.”

  He gagged as Lance’s grip became tight with a growling sound heard from his father as he felt his eyes forced shut.

  Jinks heard the sound of the alarm blaring yanked the blankets off his form to glare at the clock seeing it was early morning. With a groan he forced himself to get up from bed and went into the bathroom to shower. Jinks walked out in the buff heading to the closet which once inside he pulled some dressy black clothing and put them on. Jinks sat on the bench and grabbed a pair of dress shoes in the color black which he put on his feet covering his socked feet. He ran fingers through his hair and sigh feeling like needing a hair brush which he went left the closet and went into the bedroom heading to the bathroom. Once inside he brushed his hair and walked out to the bedroom doors to see Harrington at his familiar position with the familiar look on his face after opening the doors. Jinks walked to the dining room without a word and sat down. He frowned as Vanda came out of the kitchen carrying a cup full of pink liquid which she set in front of him. He stared at the cup with a frown then reached with a hand and brought the cup to his lips drinking it all down then used the napkin to wipe his mouth.

  Jinks got up and heard Harrington speak “The car is ready for you in the garage to take you to where you need to go.”

  He shrugged and went to the elevator pressing a button for the garage which went down with a humming sound. He frowned as the elevator did its descending. Jinks sigh as the elevator reached the garage floor. Jinks walked out walking among cars and spotted the familiar Highlander driver standing in front of a limo who seeing him opened one of the limo’s doors. He walked towards the limo and got inside it hearing the driver slam the door behind him. Jinks sat leaning back eyes staring out the window hearing the limo driver start up the car and felt the motion of the vehicle moving out of the garage to outside going among traffic. He shut his eyes feeling like needing to sleep and felt no urge to sleep hit him which forced him to open his eyes. He stared out the window as the limo drove through the city, the state and reached Connecticut state lines by the sign saying it. Jinks stared at the scenery with a frown on his face as the limo drove through the state then reached a parking lot which it parked followed by the car engine shutting off. He stared at the parking lot holding cars and people scattered around as the driver got out of the car slamming the door shut. He saw a white building that appeared to be the back of a church facing in his direction as the driver opened the car door which he got out. Jinks noticed the people scattered around looking in his direction all having reverence in their eyes. He walked towards the church and found a sidewalk pathway while hearing people following in and felt himself being filmed. He spotted a woman dressed in black standing meters away at the end of the pathway holding a camera like object in her hands aimed at him. Jinks felt were still aimed at him as he walked on the pathway to the church’s entrance.

  He saw a sign in front of the church sideways words saying “Master Lance Richard: Place of Worship.”

  Jinks sigh and walked inside to see people were already in pews sitting chatting among each other whose chatter became whispering seeing him. He saw two aisles with pews at the sides with people gathered mostly sitting in the pews between the aisles. He saw in front of the pews hanging on the wall was a large tapestry of Lance Richard with a pulpit in front of it. He heard a throat clearing noise besides him looked to see a man dressed in a suit that gestured towards the pews with his head that told him the man was an usher. Jinks followed the usher to the front of the pews and through an aisle to a pew where he was gestured to sit.

  Jinks obeyed hearing whispering from people behind him “Wow that the master decided to show up” talking about him as the Master “being here at the wedding.”

  Jinks frowned thinking “I’m wondering what Lance had in mind for me to be here attending.”

  He heard chatter change from him to talk “There’s a woman named Elsa who was cursed by the Master to be deaf, she have a teenaged appearance despite being a thirty year old” as he sensed someone sit next to him on the pew.

  Jinks stiffened as he felt a hand small but feminine grip his left hand which he looked on his left to stare at a female with brown hair pulled partly back showing her ears that had device in them. He saw the female he assumed was Elsa looking at him with a hurt look in her blue eyes on her freckled face which he brought his other hand to her hand gripping his to gently rub it in a soothing motion. Jinks felt himself filmed looked away to grimace and heard music sounding followed by chatter stopping. He felt the filming stop twisted his form to look beyond the aisle on his left seeing Elsa doing the same to watch the wedding procession. He saw a man wearing a brown robe with a golden belt around his waist walk in the aisle that told him it was the priest. He saw two men looking alike appearing to be twins single file behind the priest wearing suits with different ties walk to the front of the church to stand. Jinks heard the music change as a woman with brown hair wearing a purple dress walked down the aisle holding flowers in her hand followed by the music again changing. He felt Elsa standing up pulling him as the other people stood up. Jinks watched as the bride he assumed entered the church walking down the aisle with an old man escorting her which he assumed was her father. He watched the bride and her father walk to the front of the church reaching the group standing there. He felt Elsa sit down as the people sat which he sat down and watched the wedding.

  He heard the priest speak “Who gives the bride to servant of the Master?”

  He listened as the old man spoke “Her mother and I do.”

  Jinks watched as the old man removed part of the bride’s veil off uncovering her face showing it identical to the woman in the purple dress then kissed the female on the cheek before walking away to sit at a pew.

  Jinks listened as the priest spoke “I ordered the rings to be brought as a token of marriage.”

  Jinks saw one of the men standing besides the bride and groom he assumed step forwards hand the priest the rings. He watched remembering his wedding to Katherine seeing it was a similar scene with the rings exchanged but discovered a difference with the bride and groom saying words about pledging their love to each other as servants of the Master. This was followed by the priest saying “I formally announcing them as married!”

  Jinks watched the bride and groom kiss each other on the lips to hear applause by the crowd of people behind him. He smiled a small smile as the bride and groom walked to the aisle on his right walking past him followed by the woman
in the purple dress and the man in the suit who gave the rings. He sighed as he felt a tap on his arm by Elsa who he looked at.

  He stared at Elsa who spoke in an accent that took him a moment to decipher “I want to talk to you in private in your car. Can we do that?”

  He nodded his head hearing the Master within him roaring and figured that Lance would agree to this. He released his hold on her hand and followed her out of the pew and out of the church to the parking lot. On the way he again felt himself being filmed ignored the sensation to reach the parking lot which he walked to the limo with Elsa following. He reached the car as his driver opened the door and he got inside with her following him. He felt the door slam shut behind her felt an urge to mate hit him which he leaned over and placed a hand on her cheek and brought his mouth to her lips seeing her eyes closed as he did that.

  He heard Lance’s voice speaking “She has reproductive organs that create a child missing and has deafness.”

  Jinks broke off the kiss to gently lower her onto the floor which he kneeled to free himself from his clothes as she lifted her dress and tore part of her underwear giving him access. He laid his form