War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Read online

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on top of Elsa and entered her breaking a barrier while hearing her gasp. He thrust in rhythm feeling a dam burst inside him as a deadness feeling went away followed by charges of pleasure hitting him that made him feel alive again each time he entered her. Jinks eyed Elsa whose eyes were closed with her head up neck bared. He lowered himself to bring his lips to her throat kissing while thrusting inside her. With a gasp Jinks spilled himself inside Elsa while hearing her give off a moaning in a pleasant tone. He felt his urge leave him kissed her cheek then pulled out of her to sit on the seat adjusting his clothes covering himself while watching Elsa adjust her dress. He saw her sit next to him willed the Master through gesturing to her to look at him which she obeyed.

  He felt himself floating above to see his body change into Lance who spoke “I never cursed you but made you unique. Someone is seeking you as his. You’ll know soon enough.”

  Jinks felt himself back in his body staring at Elsa feeling the Master willed away from him. He saw her nod her head as she got out of the limo which he leaned back against the seat hearing the car door slam followed by another car door opening. Jinks eyed Elsa out the window to spot the man in the suit that gave the rings to the priest walk up to her gently taking her arm pulling her to a limo getting her inside with him following. He frowned recalling the man’s eyes eyeing Elsa as the man walked up to her realizing that the man was in love with her. He felt the car start eyed the limo carrying Elsa drive out of the parking lot with his limo following. Jinks watched the scenery with interests and discovered there was familiarity with it. He frowned straightening his form seeing the scenery looked familiar till the limo drove onto a parking lot pass a building that shocked him remembering it. He recalled going inside the building the reception room for a party honoring a high school coach and grimaced remembered the rude reception he got from the party people. Jinks frowned as the limo stopped at the parking lot which he waited till the driver came out to open his door before climbing out of the vehicle. He walked inside the building to spot everything looked familiar except the receptionist was a female Highlander that looked at him with reverence in her eyes as she pointed to a set of doors while gesturing with her head. Jinks nodded his head getting her gestures went to the doors opening it to enter a hallway. He saw the man that took Elsa’s arm standing in the hallway looking angry while glaring at the floor while in front of a door.

  Jinks walked up to the man and spoke “She’ll know if you tell her how you feel.”

  He saw the man look up with surprise followed by shock in the man’s eyes and expression. He stared at the man who composed himself then walked to the door going inside. Jinks willed the Master through shut his eyes raising a hand to see an overhead view of the room he saw was a small sitting room with a fireplace. He saw the bride and groom were on a couch making out as Elsa was sitting on another couch with the woman in the purple dress both having bored expressions on their faces. He watched as the man he talked to walked up to Elsa and bent down kissing her on the lips then kneeled in front of her.

  He saw disbelief on Elsa’s face and spoke out loud “Elsa, he is the one seeking you.”

  Jinks saw Elsa’s face turn to shock as if hearing him and watched as the man kneeling at her feet talked to her with her face becoming range of emotions. This was followed by the man getting up to bent down and kissed Elsa on the lips whose hands touched the man’s cheeks. Jinks felt the Master willed away from him opened his eyes lowering his hand. He heard multiple gasps sounds on his right looked to see a crowd of people staring at him with reverence in their eyes and ranges of emotions on their faces. Jinks frowned seeing them turned and walked further down the hallway to the doors to the reception room which he opened while sensing the people were following him. He entered the reception room seeing people noticing him who’s verbal chatter became whispering. He sensed himself filmed again spotted the woman standing nearby with camera aimed at his direction. Jinks went to the tables to be stopped by a waiter who gestured to follow him. He wordlessly obeyed as the waiter led him to a table which he spotted Lance Richard’s name on a card between Elsa’s name and the name of Thomas. Jinks looked at the table walking around it reading the names recognizing the names of the Bride and Groom from the invitation card and figured that the man he talked to name was Thomas which he went back to his setting. Jinks felt him still filmed reached with a hand and took the card with Lance’s name off the plate and switched it with Elsa’s name putting her next to Thomas then sat down. He folded his arms figuring that the waiters would try to undo his switch hence he having to guard his job. He heard a sound of a bell looked behind him to see a waiter holding a bell ringing it and watched people go to tables to sit. Jinks heard a female voice amplified by microphone sounding off his right which he looked to see a band with a female in front of it speaking in the microphone.

  He heard the female speak “May I present Thomas Frazer!”

  He heard applause as he looked at the entrance to the room to spot the man he talked to arrive into the room holding Elsa’s hand. He watched as Thomas he assumed put an arm around Elsa and kissed her on the lips while dipping her.

  He heard multiple sounds of “Whoo!”

  He saw out of the corners of his eyes a waiter do a double take look then scratch his head before walking out of sight. Jinks clapped along the people as Thomas broke off the kiss and escorted Elsa to the table.

  He heard the female announcer say “May I present Maid of Honor Yessenia Ajax!”

  He stiffened hearing the name Ajax as the woman dressed in the purple dress entered the room that curtsied to the crowd then made her way to the table where he was at.

  He again heard the female announcer speak “May I present Mister and Missus Thad Frazer!”

  He watched as people stood up which he followed their example and clapped as the bride and groom entered the room that stopped to kiss each other on the lips with the groom dipping the bride. Jinks kept his eyes on the bride and groom watching them make their way to the table as people on the way patted them on the shoulders and shook hands with the groom. He sighed as the couple made their way to the table and sat which he followed their example and sat down. He saw Thomas get up heading towards the band stand and watched the man reached the microphone while holding a champagne flute in his hand. Jinks frowned watching as Thomas spoke into the microphone “I like to toast my twin brother Thad and his new wife Yanet on their marriage.”

  He saw people in his eyes sight stand up picking up champagne flutes in their hands which he looked at the table and spotted a glass of water which he picked up and stood.

  He again heard Thomas speak “May you and Yanet have many years together filled with lots of nieces and nephews.”

  He heard laughter sounding among the crowd as Thomas paused then added “Salute to you both.”

  Jinks watched Thomas take a drink from the flute which he took a sip from his cup full of water and saw the man make his way to the table where he sat down. He sat putting down the cup of water as waiters carrying plates of food which were set in front of people. He sighed as a waiter placed a plate full of food in front of him which he felt himself hungry grabbed the silverware and began eating taking his time. He heard scattered chatter of people talking in the room as he ate and drank from the cup full of water. His half paid attention to their conversation he heard was about the wedding and about how smitten Thomas the groom’s brother was with Elsa best friend to Yanet and her twin sister Yessenia. Jinks once finished with the food sat back in the chair to eye Thad and Yanet appearing to done with their food and were having a whispering conversation while facing each other. He could tell that they were in love with each other by their eyes staring at each other which reminded him of his time with Katherine giving him identical looks in her eyes. This made him grimace inwardly from the memories running through him. He turned his attention towards Elsa and Thomas he saw were having a sign language conversation with their plates empty of food. He read their talk was about
Thomas admitting to being smitten with Elsa the moment he laid eyes on her after his brother introduced them at the engagement party a few months ago and hasn’t have the courage to admit that till now. Jinks looked away and felt a tap on his shoulder on his left. He looked to see an old man bent down towards him.

  The old man spoke “You mind getting up to talk to me? I have a bad back which being in this position doesn’t help me at all.”

  He obeyed getting up to stand as the old man straightened his form.

  He stared questioningly at the old man who spoke “The name’s Winston Frazer, father of the groom and his twin brother, Thomas.”

  Jinks nodded his head towards the man Winston who paused then spoke “Thomas recently a few days before the wedding admitted to me ‘I was smitten with Elsa Edwards, best friend of my brother’s wife.’ and hasn’t had the courage to do anything about it.”

  He kept his mouth shut as Winston paused then added “I was in the hallway when I overheard you telling Thomas to admit his love to Elsa and saw Elsa’s reaction to my son kissing her after they entered the room. I figured that you had something to do with Elsa accepting Thomas and