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War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 2
War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Read online
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himself spending an uncertain amount of time.
Harrington arrived speaking “Robert is in the lobby and wanted his father there.”
Jinks remembering grimaced as he recalled leaving the gym room to the lobby to meet his son who spoke angrily “Dad I’m confronted you on not taking care of yourself and letting grief taking control of you.”
He had denied doing that by saying “I was fine and nothing wrong with me but just upset about Katherine’s death.”
His son yelled at him “Dad was a fool to let grief take control!” which he got into argument with Robert on that “I denying this!” while his son said “I’m insisting you stop doing that behavior!”
Jinks frowned as he recalled Robert in the middle of the argument walked out of the building leaving him which he went back to the penthouse and went back into the gym room again doing what his son had told him he was doing. He sighed remembering he had stayed in the gym room with visits from Harrington telling him the date of the day and had refused the butler’s request question for anything else till it was over a month of Robert’s leaving and two months since Katherine’s death. He wandered to his bedroom walking inside to shut the doors going to the wing back chair sitting in the room which he sat feeling himself still sad. He grimace feeling that feeling hitting him leaned his head back and shut his eyes to dream of himself facing Lance who had black eyes in a narrowed glare on his face. Jinks frowned staring at his father who he sensed seemed furious with him which he kept his mouth shut eyes staring at Lance.
He stared at Lance who spoke “I have something in mind for you. Just wait till you find out what it is. This should keep you busy enough to get a life.”
He frowned wondering what Lance meant with his words as his eyes were forced shut.
Jinks came to find himself back in his bedroom sitting in the wing back chair. He heard the door open looked to see a female wearing a peasant dress looking biracial by her skin color and frizzy hair walk into the room which his eyes followed her process to the chair opposite from him.
He eyed her warily as she sat in the chair and spoke “Nice to meet you for it’s an honor.”
He frowned wondering what she was up to as she held up her left hand showing a diamond ring on one of her fingers that gave him a creepy feeling and seeing that the ring looked identical to the one Katherine wore.
He stiffened as he heard “Father.”
Jinks stiffened further recognizing Robert’s voice as he looked towards the door seeing his son standing in the room that walked up to him to kneel in front of him.
He frowned seeing Robert had a pleading look on his face who spoke “I like you to meet my wife, Samira.”
He eyed Samira as Robert’s hand gripped his left hand which he felt his son’s hand motions that made him stiffening realizing his son’s purpose.
He heard a voice in his mind yell “Get over her now!”
Jinks stiffened recognizing the voice as Lance as he felt his son’s attempt to remove the ring from his finger on his left hand with slow success. He yanked his hand from Robert’s hand fisting it seeing the pleading look on his son’s face. He sighed uncurled his hand to bring his other hand to the ring taking it off his finger and held it towards his son. Jinks stared at Robert who appeared to be relieved took the ring from him and placed it on his finger on his left hand.
Jinks spoke with firmness in the voice tone “I expect you to visit me again next time either with a grandchild or not.”
He stared at Robert who nodded his head before getting up as Samira got up and he watched the couple leave the bedroom his son gently closing the doors behind him. Jinks sighed again to stare at the floor lost in thought. He got up and went to the window pulling back part of the curtain to peer outside at the scene of buildings in the view. Jinks heard the door open and heard a throat clearing noise. He looked at the door to spot Harrington standing there with a frown on the man’s face.
Jinks walked up to Harrington with a questioning look on his face as the butler spoke “There’s a woman in the lobby who is a messenger carrying some envelope said to give it to you.”
He sigh walked pass the butler while sensing Harrington not following till he reached the elevator and went inside. He pressed the desired button and felt the elevator’s motions as it went down reaching the desired floor which he walked out to see the Highlander guard standing scattered in the room. He saw one of them gesture towards the doors which he saw a blond haired woman wearing a peasant dress standing with reverence in her eyes seeing him. He walked up to her as she held up an envelope that looked like a card to him which he took. He watched her turn around walking out then took out the card from the envelope.
Jinks read the contents seeing “You are invited to a wedding for a couple at a Master church in Connecticut happening the next day in the afternoon followed by attending the reception after it.”
He sigh put the card back into the envelope and went to a guard which he spoke “Depose this I won’t need it.”
He saw the guard take the envelope which he went to the elevator and took it to the penthouse. Inside he saw Harrington who looked at him questioningly.
He spoke “Just some invitation for a wedding and reception I won’t be attending.”
He saw Harrington’s eyes narrow with disapproval in them which he shrugged off. Jinks went to the gym room feeling an urge to do karate halted in front of the doors. He groaned remembering himself holed up in the gym room letting grief take control of him. With a loud groan he walked inside and went to the mirror to stare at himself which he saw the dark circles were gone from him along with his pale sick skin look. He looked around the room and then went in the middle to do a karate pose. He allowed himself to do the motions of karate while sensing himself filmed by cameras in the room till he felt himself tired ended his motions with a bow towards the mirrored wall. Sighing he walked out of the room and headed to his bedroom which inside he went to the wing back chair which he sat down and stared at his hands. He raised his head till his eyes were staring at the ceiling and felt pressure on his lap followed by a mew sound. Jinks looked down with a jerk seeing a black cat with hints of white fur on it standing on his lap rubbing its head on his hand. He eyed the cat and with a hand rubbed its back feeling the back area arch underneath his hand. He felt himself some happiness as the cat gave him attention with him petting it in response.
Jinks sensed from the cat that it was a female which he thought to himself “I’ll call you Sam.”
He petted Sam on the back as the cat moved putting front paws on his front and rubbed her face on his face that made him feel better from the attention he was getting. He rubbed Sam’s back as she licked his face with her rough tongue and rubbed her face on his face. He lifted up the cat and held her as he stood up feeling her give off rumbling vibrations that told him she was purring and seemed content being held. With a sigh he carried Sam out of the bedroom walking to the dining room where he heard faint laughter sounding from the kitchen. He felt the cat squirm in his arms with purring stopped that told him she wanted to be put down which he obeyed. Jinks walked into the kitchen to hear laughter sounds from the servants that abruptly cut their chatter with frowns on their faces seeing him. He heard a meow sound from his left to look down seeing Sam eating from food bowls sitting on the kitchen floor which he looked up at the servants who he saw was frowning at him.
Jinks spoke “The cat?”
He stared at the servants as Harrington spoke “She’s yours.”
He frowned to nod his head and then spoke “Call her Sam.”
He saw the servants all nod their heads as he without a word walked out of the kitchen to the dining room. He stood outside the door and again heard chatter sounding in low tones with words not understood. Jinks wandered around the penthouse till he went to his bedroom and flopped himself on the bed on his stomach burying his head on the pillow. He shut his eyes to dream of himself standing outside facing an apartment building he r
ecognized as the one he lived in, in Wethersfield staring at a window. He saw himself looking teenaged old standing in the window view inside the apartment holding up a pill bottle with an upset look on the face before pulling the blinds down. He remembered the time as himself with the pill bottle dart around the apartment to the front door. Jinks used his powers to open the front door which he walked inside to see his mother sitting in an armchair that looked up from writing in a book with shock on her face.
He turned to her direction and signed “Come with me, your son needs you.”
He saw his mother’s eyes widen who dropped the book onto the floor before darting towards him running past him going up the stairs with him giving chase. He saw his mother at the bedroom door hand on the doorknob which he reached her tapped her on the shoulder and gestured for her to move aside. His mother obeyed which he willed himself calm used his powers to open the door which opened ajar followed by her running inside the room. Jinks turned around and walked down the stairs going to the front door which he walked out closing the doors shut behind him. He blinked his eyes to find himself standing on a grassy field and sensed a cave entrance behind him which his eyes focused on a spot in the field. He saw a man with Roosevelt’s looks on a horse heading towards his direction