War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 8
forces his eyes shut.
Jinks wakes up feeling dread hitting him and hears in his mind a screaming sound of terror. Jinks gets an image of a female Charon in his mind standing in a field with head up hands and arms waving as lightening is hitting the Charon who bursts into a ball of lightening that falls apart in a shower of sparks that causes a fire on the grass ground that goes out as if blown out. Jinks figures out that the female Charon that inhibited him has passed away feels the dread stop hitting him goes to the door only to feel his arms grabbed by appearing male Charons who restrain him in a tight grip. Jinks wills the Master through to snarl growling nonsense sounds as another male Charon appears to be standing in front of him that puts a hand on his forehead which he senses is scanning him doesn’t protest to being restrained or the Charon touching him. He narrows his eyes to glare at the Charon in front of him who abruptly puts a hand on his chest fingers digging in the area. Jinks feels pain all over his body that makes him shake mentally ordering a shield over his body and keeps chanting the shield order as the pain goes up and down from high levels to low levels back and forth while sensing he’s winning the battle. Jinks keeps up the shield order and mentally orders his body to charge itself and zap the Charon touching him. His orders get obeyed as he feels the Charon stop touching him while hearing them scream of pain sounds. He feels rage hitting him finds he floating above his body to witness himself attacking the Charon with fists that have no defenses from him hitting them till the three hits the floor. Jinks find himself back into his body still feeling rage. He kneels on one knee and next to a Charon on the floor and feels sleepiness as he places hands on the Charon’s forehead and chest but the sleepiness persists getting too strong. Jinks removed his hands and lay his form on the floor shutting his eyes passing out unconscious.
Jinks came to with eyes still closed while lying in bed in a calm mood still wearing his clothes and there’s a hand feeling Charon like touching his forehead. Jinks feels a Charon like hand stop touching his chest over the heart area senses he still has his powers by the Master roaring in his mind while feeling himself better from the Charon touching him. He feels soothed from the hand on his forehead gently rubbing the area to moan a sound of pleasure in a soft tone. Jinks feels another Charon like hand touch his fisted left hand unclenching it then grips the hand. He feels himself passing out unconscious surrenders to the sleepiness.
Jinks wound up to dream of himself on the beach facing Lance who tells him in a frowning tone with a hint of anger in the tone “You absorbed the female Charon’s powers and species abilities that killed her. The Charons removed from you thinking that you’ll turn into a Charon if they didn’t do that.”
Jinks frowns hearing that as Lance continues to speak “The Charons admitted to me myself ‘we were formerly humanoid people mostly Humans who were the Drainer Hades.’
After they stopped being Hades their manoid forms reached old age some time after being Hades. The time varies and once reaching old age they got sick with breathing like illness that changed them into the elemental Charons they are now.”
Jinks keeps his mouth shut as his father continues “The reason the Charon removed their powers and other absorbed powers from you is that they were afraid you would change into one of them something they don’t want happen to you yourself.”
Jinks groans loudly hearing that as his father pauses then continues to speak “The Charon have admitted having some interest in you with they told me to hold off telling you the reason why. The Charon also has an interest in keeping you, Jinks the way you is now. That interest includes with keeping you alive but requested that I not tell you the actual reason until their sure that you can take the explanation.”
I feels Jinks himself confused as his father puts a hand on his shoulder which he feels a little happy to have as Lance tells him “The Charon have said that they used to see Hades as their leader. The Meritanians with some mind scanning made them remember their lives as Hades. The plants made them see that Hades isn’t worthy of that view. They stopped seeing Hades like that instead had been busy running amok doing things to humanoids like possessing them to do things they couldn’t do in their elemental forms. They weren’t listening to me telling them to stop doing it. The Charon stopped doing their amok behavior when one of them passed away from being kicked out of you after inhibiting you. This inhibiting stunt made them realized that they were given a second chance of life after their humanoid body forms they now realized were nearing the end of its life span and evolved into an elemental form that is seemingly deathless.”
Jinks sighs as his father’s hand gently rubs his shoulder feeling happy having Lance’s hand on his shoulder as his father pauses from talking to look at him with a frown in his eye. He reaches out a hand and places it on his father’s hand on his shoulder to hold it in place feeling like he’s getting what he wants from Lance which is fatherly love. He feels his father’s other hand touch his forehead gently rubbing the area which he sighs loudly and then feels Lance’s hand force his eyes shut.
Jinks come to find he lying in bed feeling a Charon hand rubbing his forehead with another Charon like hand on his chest over his beating heart that is gently rubbing the area. He feels himself happy from his father giving him what he wanted to open his eyes to stare at the male Charon standing next to the bed leaning over him appearing to be the hands’ owner. He opens his mouth to speak and hears the Charon make a sound for quiet in a gentle tone
The Charon speaks in Summeran to his surprise sounding like he’s talking to someone else saying “You should have been aware of that from being cued to Jinks.”
I sensed Jinks confused to that talk.
He hears his father’s voice in his mind speaking “I’ve never got any sense of Jinks wanting that till he acted that way in his behavior when his female was alive.”
Jinks figured out that the Charon and his father is communicating through him with the Charon having his hands on him to hear his father speaking.
He frowns clamping his mouth thinking “I’m wondering what the Charon and my father are talking about when referring to me.”
He listens as the Charon speaks mentioning “I suspects that Jinks is acting that way is from him outliving people who cared about him. Jinks living too long without people’s care towards him hence he acting like he craved people touching him by his behavior towards people they observed over time.”
Jinks frown hearing that gets a memory of he walking in New York City with a group of people appearing to be peasants from the Master Organization from their clothes while campaigning for Mayor. Jinks recalled feeling the peasants touching him from time to time as he traveled in the city meeting other people while sensing that the peasants seemed to care about him hence they touching him that made him feel some what happy to do the campaigning walkabouts while escorted by them.
He frowns as he hears the Charon remark “You got that memory Jinks recalled in his mind. It’s about Jinks letting the religious fanatics escort him in the city when he was doing walkabouts. Him allowing them to touch him from time to time something he hadn’t allowed when they made their fanatical beliefs known to him.”
Jinks frowns hearing that as he hears Lance speaking “That wasn’t what I had in mind when I ordered Jinks to run for Mayor, position in my goal in getting the King position.”
Jinks hear his father add “What I had in mind was the religious fanatics to back off towards Jinks with their fanatical beliefs and keep their distance from him in the city when he was doing walkabouts.”
He frown hearing that as the Charon speaks “We observed Jinks on his first walkabout after announcing his run to being Mayor allowing all kinds of people not just religious fanatics to touch him. Jinks were seen by us going up to all kinds of people to shake hands with while asking them to vote for him in the Mayor position. He seemingly seemed happy from them touching him.”
He frowns thinking to himself “What made me feel that way?” only to hear his father
’s voice speaking “Jinks I sensed hadn’t felt that way for a long time. It took a long time for Jinks to see me as his father. Jinks had his father’s body due to his own body being destroyed. That was recently after I told him to take the King position. Jinks had a break down episode and I comforted him.”
He frowns as the Charon speaks “I suspects that the break down episode and you his father comforting him caused Jinks to start feeling that way as in craving people’s touch. Hence he was allowing people to touch him regardless of who they are.”
Jinks frowns forming it on his lips as he hears his father speaking “That explains why I kept getting this won’t go away feeling after Jinks had his break down that has been hitting from time to time whether its in Jinks presence or not. I couldn’t figure it out what it was till Jinks had allowed grief to control him for too long after his female passed away is when I figured out the feeling.”
He frowns hearing that as the Charon speaks “I’m asking if Lance wants to let Jinks know what the feeling is? We suspects what it is from talks with the Meritanians observing Lance himself.”
He frowns further as Lance speaks “I’m not sure of