War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 7
speaking “Trent is a Builder like Jadia. Neither one has admitted that their Builders to each other who should be doing that it’ll help Jadia accept Trent as a mate.”
He speaks Jadia’s name seeing her eyes widen and “Jadia, I mentions to you why you haven’t used your Builder voice influence on Trent to get him to admit his powerful interest in you.”
He sees Jadia’s eyes flare golden with angry annoyance on her face that tells him he touched a sore subject with her which he adds asking “I ask why you’re hesitating on accepting Trent who could be a Builder himself who recognized you as one and is pursuing you.”
He sees the golden in her eyes die out followed by her eyes becoming brown who speaks “The last time I was in a relationship with a male who wound up using me as a surrogate to carry his child for him and his wife which happened over fourteen months ago.”
He frowns keeping his mouth shut as Jadia continues to speak “The male who called himself Simon Idaho.” which he stiffens at the name “Hid his married status from me when we were having a relationship got me medically implanted with a baby I carried for three days in a coma. Once I woke I was told that I had a son and that I was used as a surrogate to carry the baby for Simon and his wife who couldn’t have children.”
He listens as Jadia adds “I wasn’t paid for the surrogacy but discarded by Simon who I learned was named Donald Marshall. He flaunted to the public at a press conference announcing his candidacy for Mayor in Albany that his wife had his son with no mention of me carrying the baby for them. I saw on the TV in some store selling TVs in New York City. I went to Albany by cab and used what’s left of my money to pay for the ride. Once there met a state TV news crew who was polling people on whom they would vote for Mayor. The whole story of Donald using me to get a child from me came out while interviewed by the TV crew. Then the next day learned from some friends in the Knight group living in Albany that the press was having a field day with a new scandal created by what I said about Donald Marshall. The scandal was used by the incumbent mayor to trash Donald who wound up winning the election by a landslide and his first act as Mayor was to declare me mentally ill. He had me put in an insane asylum in the city took me and my friends in the Knight group three months of convincing people that I wasn’t insane to get me out. My friends got me to New York City and told me to drop the matter about Donald’s trickery while insisting on that. They warned me that they won’t help me further in that matter.”
He nods his head hearing Jadia’s words who adds “A month ago a female friend of mine also a Builder who is married to a Highlander forced her by voice influence to attend a birthday party for Trent’s father. That’s where I met Trent who has declared to me that I’ll be his wife and will do what it takes to get me married to him. Trent has pursued me to agree to his marriage request quite heavily despite my repeated refusals. I had already used my voice influence on Trent to put him off a few times but discovered that Trent really wants me and isn’t under any influence in his pursuing me.”
Jinks speak as she paused “Trent is probably a Builder like you. He has recognized you as one and is pursuing you as his. His heavy insisting could be because he’s nervous that another male Builder will figure out what you are and pursue you interfering in his quest to have you as his.”
He sees a frown on Jadia’s face followed by some far away look in her eyes that tells him she’s thinking of something as the elevator doors open. He looks on his left as Jadia looks sees a male same age as Jadia a long haired blonde with facial looks that reminds him of General Kennidis wearing a suit and a tie looking a little annoyed.
The male speaking “If Jadia has a problem with me she should admit that to me instead of talking it to the Master to solve her problem. I’m fed up with her not talking to me on how she’s really feeling towards me. I’m tempted to use other means to get her to talk.”
Jinks walks out of the elevator speaking to the male he figures is Trent speaking “Trent to get his seat in the elevator and have a talk with Jadia and admit to her why he’s heavily pursuing her in marriage. He should have done that in the first place when he started to pursue her.”
He glares at Trent who frowns back then hears Jadia using the voice influence in foreign language which gets Trent to flare his eyes golden like a Builder with a glare on his face. Trent looks away to walk into the elevator which Jinks sees the doors slam shut behind the male. Jinks goes to an armchair to sit with arms folded and adjusts the chair till he can see the elevator out of the corners of his eye and the front entrance out of the corners of his other eye. He sits frowning gets a weird feeling to eye the elevator and stares at it with confusion running through him.
He hears Ramses’ voice sounding in his mind with a disgusted tone saying “Two Builders are doing a mating ritual in the elevator. I ask a question of can’t they do it in a bedroom with a bed instead of a lift vehicle? I’m sick and tired of seeing that among Humanoids who can’t stop doing that habit.”
Jinks hears Ramses become silent figures out what the weird feeling is again eyes the elevator doors then looks away to stare out the glass doors of the entrance. He hears the doors open and sees Jadia and Trent walk out looking happy who appear to not notice anything around them as they walk out of the building to outside. Jinks sit in the armchair till nightfall goes up to the penthouse and feels tired changes out of his clothes to the pajamas then hits the bed and has an erotic dream of mating with a female Human with red hair tan skin and yellow golden eyes while in some field. He wakes up lying naked in his bathroom feeling sticky all over with his hands on his sensitive part that tells him he took himself in hand and got the stickiness as a result. Jinks hits the shower cleaning himself very well then walks to the closet to put on clothes same uniform as yesterday but freshly cleaned.
He walks out of the bedroom to spot a different butler with black hair looking twenties age that spoke “I introduces myself as Gustav.” with an accent that makes him think “He’s Builder.”
Gustav tells him “The Master has a new cook named John and his wife named Jacqueline.” who he meets in the dining room carrying his food.
He sees that Jacqueline is a Roberta look alike but a bit younger figures that John is a Jeff look alike around the same age. Jinks after eating feels he’s needed in the lobby hits the elevator and passes out to get the red haired woman who is acting sexual towards him with the background as the elevator. Jinks slams his hands on her forehead and on her breast over her heart fingers digging into the area and sees the woman’s form change into a Charon that is appearing to have seizures then goes limp which the scene goes black. Jinks wakes up lying in his bed still wearing his clothes feeling the familiar strange feeling goes into the bathroom to stare at he in the mirror. Jinks watches himself turn invisible then appear from hidden state and figures out how to control the invisibility trick then leaves the bathroom to the bedroom to peer out the window seeing the sun is in the sky looking like its late morning. Jinks walks out of the bedroom to spot Gustav in the hallway looking at him with a look that looks like disapproval.
He frowns to speak “I ask how I got to the bedroom.” which Gustav responds “Master Jinks fainted in the elevator. His guards brought him to his bedroom.”
Jinks frowns hearing heads to the TV room to sit on the couch brings his head back and shuts his eyes to dream of himself facing Lance. Jinks feels a rage feeling shoots out his hand and gags his father on the throat as he feels a headache from his mind scanned and then feels himself calmer to stop gagging Lance as the headache goes away. He sees his father appear to get angry but isn’t directed at him who he walks forwards and puts arms around his father hugging him feeling himself a bit happy hugging Lance he senses is still angry but is tolerating being hugged.
Jinks hugs his father till he senses stops being angry then hears Lance say “I order you to stop hugging me!” with annoyance in his tone.
Jinks obeyed to stare at Lance who speaks “A female Charon wound
up inhibiting you after I warned off the Charon not to inhibit you. Hence you were having the mating dream with a Human female.”
He frown hearing that as Lance continues to speak “The female Charon who did that inhibiting got kicked out of you doing it yourself. You wound up with some additional powers I is sensing but isn’t sure what they are.” and adds “The female Charon from senses is having a medical ailment hitting her. I’m not sure it the medical ailment will kill the female Charon or not. I managed to warn the Charon while using the female as an example of not to possesses yourself warning that it could kill them. I while telling them off that their possessing of others is leaving side effects as in giving people to have powers. They aren’t using for helping other people but for their own gain. They leave you the duty of having to remove those powers as punishment to those people.”
Jinks frown hearing that as Lance continues to speak “The Meritanians told me that the Charon slowly getting my warnings. The three mentioned that the female Charon would have to die for her people to fully grasp that their possessing is causing damage which they would stop doing it.”
Jinks nods his head as Lance