Nikolai's Dream Read online

Page 6

my body’s scarring marks all over the place at the moment, from repeatedly skin taken off of me for cloning copies for the High Council’s purposes.”

  Nikolai spoke "I wanted you as mine when I first saw you-"

  Niya interrupted speaking "You killed a slave female and I refused to suffer her fate."

  Nikolai spoke "Niya, just kill me for I still want to mate with you if you're afraid of me."

  Nikolai closed his eyes and waited as the knife presses harder into the side of his neck, me not feeling a sword poking me, literally anymore. Nikolai kept his face into a pleading expression as he sensed the knife off his throat. Niya kissing Nikolai on the lips hands on his cheeks. I saw the two via story, doing something inappropriate for children to hear, but he appeared to be is her first, to kiss her ritual wise.

  Then after the ritual of liking each other is done Nikolai speak to her in whispered tone "I have a gonoid side which is what I dub Shaw and great strength."

  “Shaw is the name of the gonoid species that accepted me with acceptance despite I later put into my tube trap by the High Council hoping to clone me.”

  Niya responded "I'm being fine with this."

  Nikolai fell asleep and waked up sensing something or someone in trouble to see Omar with guards in the room holding Niya with priest having a knife at her throat.

  Omar is heard while Nikolai is quietly getting up behind the priest’s back with guards not giving him away, guards are just staring at him as Omar is stupidity not realizing that sneaking "Nikolai mating with a slave girl will ruin my plans to control him in his rule over the kingdom. I will have to kill Niya like I killed this slave girl dubbed Sabba by snapping her neck and getting Nikolai’s gonoid’s side claws on her body while he was passed out by a sleep drug in his food and drink."

  Nikolai appeared to get mad roared loudly surprising Omar who turned around dropping Niya from his knife hold. Niya appeared to have her throat cut from Omar’s shock via accident as she slides to the floor disappearing in a light show. Omar is attacked by Nikolai who used his claws’ Shaw’s side on the priest's face. Nikolai kept on trying to claw Omar who kept on trying to knife him with the knife in response despite him receiving cuts. Nikolai, as I do have cuts scars on my arms which Nikolai used to the pain managed to knock aside Omar’s knife.

  Omar is giving Nikolai a familiar sinister look of eyes all black as he mentally spoke via Shaw’s side in control “Mind die!”

  Nikolai found Omar appeared to die literally from the death order as in hitting the floor with eyes displaying a bloody look and ears the same look. Guards take priest’s body away as Nikolai is calmed down and allow a female slave to hug him. Nikolai leaned his face on her head relaxing some more from her arms on him. Nikolai found the female slave was an Ambassadorial representative of Edenia herself acting by the name of Niya. Nikolai let Niya bring him to the bed and then they kiss and go into other rituals of liking each other while there.

  Nikolai wound up speaking "I'm declaring my love to you along with hoping to have you as my equal my queen."

  “I think I spoke those words to my wife, who I name as, Victoria Montreal, herself who I see is seated on the couch giving me that look I love receiving from her.”

  I watched as the scene shifted to show Nikolai receives a visitor while, he is still Pharaoh an official of the High Council speaking "I am asking you about having a reason for living."

  Nikolai saw a female slave familiar and making him hormonal from urges, put tray with drinks on ottoman next to his throne chair which he got up as she knelt with head down.

  Nikolai spoke "I have already chosen a female as my queen."

  Nikolai went to the female pulling her up who won’t look at him kept her eyes averted like he was disgusting to look at via her expression.

  Nikolai kissed her on the lips and speaks "I have chosen Victoria as my queen."

  Nikolai spoke his words while hearing the High Council’s official sputter “I must protests to this talk!”

  The female slave as saw was stiff to the touch which Nikolai whispered in her ear "I'm begging you to be my queen and my equal."

  Nikolai ignored the High Council’s official ambassador took her to his bedroom to resume kissing her on the lips while feeling her really stiff like a board. It’s like she’s not accepting him kissing her and appeared to be an Airhead, person who likes the same persona person for sexual pleasures.

  “Sorry not going to describe that for you children appearing to be asking me!”

  Nikolai pleaded with a begging tone "I want you as my queen to accept as mine."

  Nikolai heard the female haltingly agreed in a broken voice eyes still not looking at him saying “…I…agree…”

  Nikolai held her and brought her to the bed and did the most of that liking her ritual despite she’s just laying there staring at the ceiling with tears spilling from her eyes. Its likes she’s not happy with the rituals Nikolai did onto her or she’s an Airhead. Once done night arrived, Nikolai fell asleep.

  Nikolai waked up in the sunlight to discover her gone and goes out of bedroom in the buff roaring, while feeling angry.

  Omar, his priest is there still alive with the guards as Nikolai roared some comment I didn’t know what I said till later "I want Victoria Montreal as my mate! You'll have to give me, her!"

  Nikolai’s guards point out his nudity with their eyes and heads staring at him which he saw and realized that he’s not wearing clothes.

  “I’m supposed to wear clothes when going around in public despite the High Council squashed that clothes habit and made me go around naked in their home base before they stuck me into a tube for cloning, I doing it willingly, brainwashed.”

  Nikolai went back into bedroom put on clothes as Omar followed him. Nikolai was forced by Omar, using a familiar Builder’s voice tone to force him to eat and drink food set at a table in the room. Nikolai takes in the food as I recognizing the Builder’s voice as Barry or Ned Garry whichever persona he’s going as. Nikolai and then once getting up fell to the floor unconscious.

  Nikolai waked up to discover its daylight of the sun is shining into his eyes. Nikolai was in a bed of Kurpanov Kossman’s Medical Bay before he was rudely dumped into an observation room of the Zesky Asylum. Nikolai saw a female, I identified as of Victoria Montreal, the original, standing in front of a window crying like she was upset about something.

  Nikolai went to her rubbing her back speaking "You're not leaving me again for you're as mine as my queen."

  “I saw Victoria mouth something saying ‘I love Tom Mindbender Thunder and can’t shake that love towards him.’

  She before speaking wording that sounded like I was still trapped in my Pharaoh’s Kingdom "My father abused my mother, after speaking twin words, you spoke, to her using the word, Priestess instead of queen. My father in one of his angry rages killed my mother in front of me who I as a child ran away. I was found by the Pharaoh who had two slaves raise me and had me become a slave, once I was old enough. My father was Omar the priest who didn’t recognize me when he tried to have me killed. I'm afraid of suffering my mother’s fate hence myself trying to run away. A Priest caught me and talked sense to me into revealing the truth to you."

  Nikolai lowered his hands went to chair and sat staring at her as she resumed crying while continuing to stand in front of his window appearing to look like his Pharaoh bedroom. Nikolai continued to stare at Victoria who kneel curling into a ball while still crying away she naked of clothes and appearing to look upset. Nikolai got up walking towards Victoria to pick her up carrying her to the bed which he placed her on and pulled the blanket on her form. Nikolai got into bed wrapping his arms around her as she fell asleep which he lied awake for a bit.

  “I wound up hearing my father’s voice via mind talk ‘Nikolai, my angel, get some sleep for you’ll need it.’

  I closed my eyes and fell asleep as if obeying the order despite my father Thurin is still calling me Angel when
my name is Nikolai.”

  Nikolai paused from telling his tale instead appeared to be lost in thought till the Recorder of memories, typing this onto the laptop computer, cleared her throat and got the male again speaking his story.

  Guardian watching this scene via Traveler’s Gate frowned finding the scene changed to show Nikolai is in throne room sparring with a guard using Mikans.

  His guard gets his Mikan out of his hands then halts to speak "Pharaoh, see about picking up your weapon to resume the fight."

  Nikolai appearing to not realizing it uses his Shaw’s side in control says “Weapon to me!”

  He heard guards around him gasp out “God!” like their shocked.

  The word didn’t register to Nikolai from the behavior which he saw the male easily dismissed but sensed him confused.

  Messenger boy arrives in room speaking "Guards have requested Pharaoh Nikolai to the fighting room."

  Nikolai agreed to go walks with guards escorting him to the room a large outdoor courtyard.

  He was surrounded by guards in a circle which one using a sneering voice tone spoke “I challenged Pharaoh Nikolai to a fight by Mikan!” which he accepted by speaking “I accept!”

  He fights with the guard who got the Mikan out of his hands as he sensed from behind him an arrow flying towards him by senses telling him that which he reveals the Shaw side in control. Nikolai’s Shaw side involves a look twin