Nikolai's Dream Read online

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sounded like the dream and not what I expected to hear as he again made that familiar mouth gestures again.

  “I didn’t learn to lip read till later is when I finally figured what Tank was really saying.

  Tank really said ‘The God of Hell can be an ally when the time calls for peace between warring factions for the goal of life.’

  That’s what Tank was really saying from what I remembered lip reading him.”

  Tank as Nikolai listened kept speaking “The hotness feeling you had that led you to here was the heat of the desert and the coolness of the tomb helped you feel better.”

  Nikolai felt better along with hearing a familiar voice "Go now, leaving the place, my son."

  “I recognized the voice spoken belonged to the God of Hell himself Lance Richard’s cruel voice tone that spoken it till later.”

  Nikolai got up as Tank got up and he ran to a corner of the room with hand over his mouth while hearing the male gasp loudly. His gasp sounded of disappointment to him as the familiar stormy door appeared again. Nikolai ignored the door and walked away from it while throwing up the contents of his stomach several times along with choking like feeling.

  “I did felt something in my mouth. I didn’t realize it at the time that the medics were putting something into my mouth literally to help me breathe. I wasn’t breathing actually but choking from something that was in my stomach yanked out via the doctor’s instruments as told. I was told despite being in frozen sleep with the help of the God of Hell to preserve me in my mind to live again. I coughed out via my mind to see is a small crystal jewel with a cloth necklace. I didn’t realize I choked onto some Meritanian like plant substance that was in my stomach, the doctor Kurpanov Kossman removed, with his instruments of torture out of me. The necklace I didn’t recognize at first was Lance Richard’s Followers’ necklaces they worn. I put on necklace as if compelled and wound up feeling a thudding vibration into my chest that was indicating my heart beating.”

  Nikolai went back to Tank who spoke mouthed words “You don’t need to be a believer of Lance Richard himself to survive this hell he contained you in.”

  Nikolai heard Tank spoke words “Moves like a God for only a God can lead us.”

  Nikolai wound up not acknowledging the words as Tank handed him the Mikan. Nikolai followed Tank out of the tomb to outside facing the crowd of people who appeared to be Elves from their pointed ears who get on their knees as if worshipping him as their God and leader the Pharaoh. I found the scene changed to show me as Nikolai became Pharaoh as the leader's title and given clothes. Mostly a cloud colored skirt and nothing else and is paraded through the city in a chair held by male slaves appearing to be albino Shadonians with blonde hair, pointed ears, and all black eyes and clawed hands, with the guards of the Highlander species flanking him. The procession stopped at a triangle like stone building where it’s figured is a temple where there are others assumed to be priests there along with a chair in front of the doors.

  Nikolai got off chair by slaves lowering it to the ground and walked up the steps to the chair where he was told by high priest wearing mask of a gonoid God Anubis "Kneel!"

  Anubis waved hands over Nikolai while chanting in foreign language words not understood but I heard “Ay Kabaiya!”

  “I’m not entirely sure of that saying involving the God of Hell Lance Richard himself the God of the Underworld Kingdom of Hell.”

  Nikolai made he appeared to be staring onto the floor as Anubis is handed hanging a hanging lantern waved over him still chanting away. Anubis hands off lantern then placed hands on Nikolai’s head closing his eyes with his hands.

  Anubis spoke "You shall be known as your name, Ancient One, Nikolai the One, ruler of the kingdom Egyptia."

  Anubis’ hands picked at Nikolai’s eyes opened and saw the priest take a crown off the masked head and place it on his head. Nikolai rolled his eyes while making out a small gasp as he felt a tiny jolt of pleasure involving doing something from the feeling.

  “I’m not going to describe that thing whatever it is. I don’t remember much of that feeling anyway.”

  Then Nikolai stood up and went to the chair to sit which crowd got onto their knees foreheads to the ground with arms in front of them.

  Nikolai spoke loudly "I am Pharaoh Nikolai, ruler of Kingdom Egyptia. I will rule the people well."

  The scene changed to show Nikolai appeared to be assisted by a priest calling himself Omar who gave him unwanted advice on ruling.

  Nikolai found some of the advice is demanding Omar saying “I am insisting Pharaoh, do this and that while ruling as Pharaoh!”

  Nikolai ignored the priest’s advice and spotted a female slave and made himself appeared to be in love with a female slave, with long sun colored hair named Sabba.

  Nikolai felt a compulsion hitting him via compeller’s voice saying “I declare Sabby my queen!” despite the priest’s wording saying “I must object!”

  Nikolai adds “I’m not immune to Builders’ voice talents despite Barry as he calls himself despite the Ned Garry name using his voice talent onto me.”

  Nikolai and Sabba kiss on the lips some ritual between pairing to show that we liked each other. After that’s done both eat food before Nikolai went to bed asleep after that with her next to him.

  “Nikolai wound up passing out despite feeling fists hitting my back including someone squeezing my chest area like I was choking and trying to get me to breathe again. I didn’t know what was going on in that matter actually from what I could tell from what I knew involving that. I later realized that pounding and squeezing of my chest’s area was of me arriving to Kurpanov Kossman’s medical bay choking to death and appearing to disappear from the choking, after a period of waking up from being contained into a tube. My cloned copy, Tom Thunder or Mindbender was called to squeeze my chest to help bring the choking feeling gone from me. I wound up declared disappeared by the High Council till my cloned copy Mindbender as if compelled like I said by fatherly instincts restarted my heart and I lived again. I wound up still remaining in Egyptia as the place of disappeared is called.”

  Nikolai while waked up in the morning to discover Sabba dead with claw marks on her and her neck is broken.

  Nikolai thought “I killed Sabba!” got upset.

  The priest Omar arriving into the room appearing to be aware of Sabba's death without glancing at the bed appeared to give Nikolai a glare sinister like.

  “The glare reminded me of someone I wasn’t sure who till later indicating my father demanding me to be out of my mind and using my body.”

  Omar spoke "It’s a bad omen to mate with slaves for your gonoid side came out and said no to slaves hence the killing."

  Nikolai appeared to mourn Sabba's death wound up lying on the bed staring at the ceiling lengthy as night and day go by. Nikolai appeared to not acknowledge anything all around him or the food brought to his lips, he refused to eat. Nikolai kept on lying there till a female slave arrived into the room carrying a tray of food with smells that made his stomach rumble.

  “The food involved the diet of foods that Jinks Montreal could survive on like nuts and heal from, some junky like food that didn’t agree with me when I tried to eat it. I wound up having a liquid diet as a result of my tube time and spending too much fed those liquids than anything else.”

  The female slave got onto Nikola’s front straddling him in a way of kneeling on his chest. She wound up kissing Nikolai on the lips then thumped a fist onto his face.

  Nikolai heard her saying “There’s more to life than lying in bed doing nothing but being mindless.”

  Nikolai wound up shaking his staring at the ceiling mood after the female slave removed herself off of him she using a compeller’s voice tone saying “Belay orders of Sabba now!”

  Nikolai wound up no longer mindless saw the female a slave appearing to look familiar to me like I knew her somewhere but didn’t realize who she was till later. Nikolai wound up finding himself appear
ed to be in love with her and wanted to do something besides just kissing her despite his hormones of sexual acts activating at the time.

  The female acted rude to him speaking using sarcasm "I don’t want anything to do with you!"

  Nikolai didn't back down instead corner the female in the room after getting up from the bed. Nikolai found her thrusting a knife at his neck when he cornered her to the wall with his arms trapping her in an attempt to kiss her. Mostly Nikolai was showing his affection of liking her towards her in the attempt to kiss that female. Omar arrived into the room to get the female slave away from Nikolai via guards using weapons of swords to poke him and yanking her away to his annoyance.

  Omar wound up speaking "You're not to mate with Niya, the slave, for it’s not what the Pharaoh is supposed to be doing."

  Nikolai responded by going to Omar and thrusting a clawed hand onto the male's face to snarl scratching him via cheek "You will allow me to mate with Niya, I want brought to my bedroom now! I as your Pharaoh orders it!"

  Nikolai found Omar darting away in sight followed by Niya entering the room with her arms folded.

  Nikolai controlled by his hormones involving sex spoke "Get in bed now, Niya."

  Nikolai found his order obeyed but she thrust a knife at his neck when he attempted to lie on top of her.

  “Knife was felt like a sword’s point poking the area where I have a scar from that despite