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War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 13

visitor who shrieked out a cry and saw the female snake charge at the manoid bug he assumed with claws swiping. Jinks eyed the female snake who reaching the bug swiped it and then frowned as the bug sprayed out ropes from its body towards the female snake covering her entirely followed by pulling the female’s body towards its form and covering it with cocoon like wings. He heard multiple sounds of crunching noises come from the bug figure and saw the bug jerk bursting into pieces which he ducked some of the pieces headed his way. Jinks again eyed the hooded figures as he felt rumbling vibrations underneath his feet. He looked down to spot three white grass stalks come up from the ground around him followed by figures appearing to be humanoid bursting from the dirt with roaring noises. Jinks eyed the figures seeing that they all had black hair with a male human appearance with golden eyes and clawed hands while wearing black pants that wrapped around their ankles and feet. He willed the Master through raising a hand as the figures charged at him which he ducked their swiping at him darting out of their arm lengths as they hit each other. He heard them growl angry sounds followed by each attacking each other with their claws till they burst into a shower of dirt. Jinks frowned as an image of his body lying on the stone table flashed in his mind. He realized the scene was a dream controlled by the hooded figures trying to get his arms off his chest for some reason he didn’t know what. Jinks eyed the hooded figures again and saw an open doorway which he darted towards it only to feel a clawed hand grab him on the throat and throw him backwards towards the wall behind him. Jinks felt a clawed hand grab his leg in mid air and throw him onto the ground which he quickly got up and he heard multiple sounds of roaring noises followed by clanging noises sounding very loudly. He quickly darted towards the doorway only to find a gate slammed in its place which he grabbed the gated bars and found himself back in his body lying on the stone table. He felt the Master in him taking control jerked open his eyes to swing a leg at the hooded figure standing next to it which caused the figure to back away. He yanked off the hands on his head and swung himself up to sit and got off the table with a glare on his face seeing multiple hooded figures in the room. Jinks felt his arms grabbed by the sides in tight grips by appearing hooded figures as another appeared in front of him. He kicked out his legs towards the figure in front of him as his legs were abruptly grabbed by two appearing figures and he felt their hold on him were strong in ironclad grips. He growled an angry sound as one of the figures appeared in front of him to place a hand on his forehead and a hand over his heart with clawed nails digging into the area.

  Jinks recognizing what they were doing roared out “You bastard! I’ll kill you for this!”

  He jerked his form in the hooded figures’ ironclad grips as he felt pain hit him that made his body jerk in seizures. He shut his eyes to see in his mind was a hallway with open doorways. He saw two open doorways separate as a door appeared which a figure walked out which he saw was appearing to be a manoid with no skin but muscles shown and clawed hands that walked down the hallway and stopped at a closed door.

  He saw on the door the word “Master.”

  Jinks watched as the manoid looked in both directions then yanked open the door and walked inside shutting the door behind him. This was followed by the hooded figure appearing in the hallway walking while jerking its head back and forth as if looking at the doors.

  He saw the hooded figure stopped at the door labeled “Master.”

  Jinks growled in anger as the hooded figure yanked open the door followed by the muscled manoid walking out which the hooded figure grabbed its head twisting it. He saw the muscled manoid jerk its form going still followed by the form becoming a ball of lightening that went into the hooded figure. This was followed by the hooded figure slamming the door shut and walking away as the scene went black.

  This dream suggested something else than I’m aware of despite Zerra blaring “Don’t focus onto Tam-Mykola MacLeod! Keep focusing onto Jinks Montreal now!”

  I will once the time’s proper focus onto MacLeod whoever this guy is despite suspecting something sinister going on with him. Ugh.

  Jinks heard a crying sound in a compelling tone jerked his eyes open sitting up in bed yanking the blankets off of him. He again heard the crying sound which he identified as Victoria sounding likes she was both upset and hungry which he darted up from the bed to the fridge grabbing a milk bottle. He darted towards the crib to lift Victoria up who stopped her crying which he went to the wing back chair and sat thrusting the bottle’s nipple in her mouth that sucked the contents with no complaints. Jinks frowned as the contents of the dream he had ran through his mind along with the scene of Katherine’s talk to Robert and she changing into a Charon went through him. He felt confusion running through him remembering his dream as Victoria stopped her sucking the bottle. He saw that the bottle was empty set it aside on the table and gently burped Victoria then rocked the baby seeing her look sleepy and heard a sound of a voice singing in foreign language that sounded like a Charon which he looked up and looked around the room seeing no one there. He continued to hear the Charon sing noises that sounded like a feminine voice and he looked down at Victoria who seemed to be lulled to sleep with her form stopped squirming becoming still with her chest moving up and down. Jinks felt himself sleepy yawned and got up from the chair to the crib which he gently placed Victoria down and then went to his bed. He got inside hearing the Charon continue her singing which he threw the blankets over his head and shut his eyes.

  Jinks dreamed of the beach to seeing he standing behind his father who was facing the water. He reached out a hand and stiffened halting his hand as his father gave off crying sounds in a sad tone.

  Jinks heard his father speak in a weepy voice “Jinks, how I regret not able to father you.”

  He frowned hearing his name spoken and continued to listen as his father spoke again “I felt something was missing from me the moment I lost you to the High Council begged Jacinda my love, my mate who I cherish to teach me how to save your life with a great amount of begging. She agreed and taught me how which I used to keep you alive to give you a second chance at living. I felt the feeling the moment you woken in my body form.”

  He frowned listening as his father continued to speak “I didn’t know what the feeling was when I felt it towards you, Jinks but I now realize what it is. It’s the Humans call love they feel towards their children, their mates and their parents and others. I feel it running through me and I cherish it towards you. I just hope to someday tell you about the feeling I have towards you.”

  Jinks stared at his father who cut off his talking to give off crying sounds followed by Lance squatting with form shaking. He eyed his father as blackness arrived found himself back in bed sitting up with a jerk. He heard crying sounds in Victoria’s voice sounding like she was upset which he got up from the bed and went to the crib to lean into it putting a hand on her stomach. He eyed Victoria who cried harder which he feeling desperate lifted her up carrying her to the wing back chair which he sat and cradled the baby to his chest. Jinks stared at Victoria feeling some weird feeling hitting him. He eyed the baby as she appeared to calm down from her wailing. He frowned as the feeling got strong hitting him as some deadness went away from him followed by aliveness hitting him. Jinks stared at Victoria with shock realizing that the feeling was a fatherly love towards his daughter who wanted it from him hence she upset. He bent down and kissed Victoria on the forehead and leaned back in the chair eyes still on her seeing her smile a cute smile with eyes open seeing a happy look in them while giving off cooing noises in a happy tone. Jinks after Victoria is put down asleep to sleep puts the baby in the crib then stands up to find himself standing in a lighted hallway facing a door. Jinks feels himself compelled to unlock it with his powers which he does and then walks inside using night vision to see a female form hanging from a rope around her neck. He quickly darts to grabbing her and finds a chair next to her which he stands on and rips the rope that is a sheet then brings her to the floor
. Jinks tears off the rope around her neck then feels for a pulse to discover that she’s still alive which he cradles in his arms and senses that she’s aware of him from her groaning noises. Jinks kisses her on the cheek then gently lowers her to the floor as if compelled then stands up and blinks his eyes from a glare of a flash light and then blinks his eyes again to discover that he’s back in the penthouse and Victoria is wailing away. He goes to the baby to put a hand on her stomach which he stares at her as she seems to calm down from him touching her then she becomes silent enough to fall asleep.

  He feels himself tired goes to the bed to lie on and falls asleep dreaming of facing Lance who tells him “The female you saved was Elsa Edwards a deaf female you met at a wedding who keeps getting bad things happening to her. She was believe in bad luck too much enough to believe in it hence she having a negative view of life which negative things keeping happening to her because of it.”

  He frowns as thinks “I recalls Thomas.” to ask about his Father “What about Thomas?” which Lance replies “Some rich socialite female