War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 12
mentions “You should find a purpose to help others as a payment for your crime.”
He sees her nod her head while no longer frowning which he adds saying “You can go.”
Jinks saw her nod her head followed by her turning around and walking out of the lobby to outside. Jinks sigh and remember Victoria walks to the elevator to take it to the penthouse. Jinks walks to the library room to hear Victoria wailing sounding like she’s upset which he jogs into the room to spot Gustav holding her with a panic look on his face. He goes inside the room to gently take Victoria from Gustav who looks relieved and gently rocks the baby who seems to calm down from being held in his arms. He goes to the chair to sit still holding the baby to stare at her seeing her stop crying to be soothed by being held by him. Jinks held Victoria seeing her eyes open showing a happy look on her face and hears her give off cooing noises in a happy tone.
The noises tells him “She is really attached to me hence she getting upset when I was away from her.”
Jinks held Victoria feeling her relax in his arms which he gets up to carry her to his bedroom going inside to eye the clock seeing its after twelve o’clock in the afternoon goes to a wing back chair to sit. Jinks senses that the baby has fallen asleep which he carries her to the crib to place her inside. Jinks eyes his bed with relief on his face feeling tired goes to lie on it eyes staring at the ceiling then shuts his eyes falling asleep.
Jinks dreamed of the beach facing Lance who stares at him with a frown on his face. Jinks frown as Lance spoke “I ask if you remembers being present at Katherine’s passing or not.”
He frowns not getting a memory of that fresh in his mind shakes his head no and speaks “I don’t remember and wants to know what’s up with that question from you.”
He stares at his father who speaks “From monitoring the scene you stayed with Katherine and was told by her just moments from death to leave her with Robert alone for a talk. You did hitting the gym room and then Robert came into the room and told you that Katherine had passed away.”
Jinks frown getting a memory of Robert doing that with an edge in his voice that says “He’s not telling everything and a freaked out expression on son’s face.” verbalizes the memory while adding about Robert’s reaction.
He stares at his father who speaks “Robert was reacting from his mother passing away and what she said to him before she passed hence he upset.”
Jinks hear an edge in Lance’s voice tone that tells him “My father isn’t telling me everything.” speaks “Your voice is suggesting you’re not telling me everything.”
Jinks see a frown on his father’s face who speaks “I know what went on between Katherine and Robert including witnessing her passing. I’m not saying the knowledge till I’m sure you have healed from the loss. Your reaction of letting grief controls you for a long period of time have me anxious.”
Jinks frown hearing that shows it on his face aimed at his father who continues to speak “I oaths that I’ll tell you what went on between Katherine and Robert including her passing away. This telling is oath once it has been determined that you have completely healed from the loss to not get more upset from hearing what happened.”
He nods his head as Lance forces his eyes shut which he passes out unconscious.
Jinks wakes up eyes staring at the ceiling to hear Victoria giving off her hungry cry sound eyes the clock to see it says one o’clock in the afternoon. Jinks gets up heading to the fridge and takes out a bottle and goes to the crib to lift up the baby and carries her to the wing back chair which he sits and feeds her the milk through the bottle. He sees her look content being fed the milk drinks it all up then he puts the bottle on the table next to the chair and burps Victoria then holds her to stare at her as she falls asleep in his arms. Jinks put Victoria in the crib and then went to the bed to lay his form on it. He fell asleep passing out unconscious.
Jinks dreamed of Katherine lying in bed looking pale and sick with Robert standing next to the bed holding one of her hands.
He frowned as Katherine spoke “Robbie something to tell you.”
He saw Robert nod his head as Katherine continued “My cousin Victoria I confess isn’t really my cousin but my twin sister.”
Jinks stiffened hearing that as Katherine kept talking “There’s a Drainer named Hades who back then raped a female Human that was a mate of a male Builder. She had twins my sister and me. Her husband had a belief that the father of his mate’s children raises the kids with no help from the mother or her intended mate. Victoria and I were put up for adoption which we both were adopted separately by George Kensington and his brother Guard. Our fathers were aware that we were twins kept this as a family secret but shared it with us on our twelfth birthday.”
He frowned as Robert hissed out a breath as Katherine continued to speak “Victoria had an obsession with a male when she was fifteen years old which she passed to me. The obsession she had took hold was on your father Jinks Montreal. Your father she discovered through some people selling their religious beliefs to her. She shared this with me. We both swore that we would have your father as our husband a vow I kept for Victoria after she passed away.”
Katherine gave out violent coughing sounds as Robert he saw leaned down putting a hand on her forehead followed by her form becoming still with eyes shut. He watched as Robert removed his hand to let go of Katherine’s hand to stare at her and then he saw with shock as Katherine’s form shredded backwards showing in its place was a female Charon that sat up with a jerk. He saw Robert back up from the bed with a jerking motion as a male Charon appeared from view to place a hand on the female Charon’s shoulder speaking in foreign language a long chat talk. He eyed Robert that backed from the bed darting out of the room. Jinks followed floating through the hallway to the gym room which his son stopped at the doors with form shaking. He watched as Robert appeared to compose himself opened the door and walked into the room as the scene went black.
Jinks dreamed of he in a coffin like box while wearing an oxygen mask on his face and felt himself in the dream tied up. He heard the ocean water moving as the box began to descend and felt the ocean stop its sounds which confused him.
He mentally called for Ramses speaking “Ramses, what’s going on?”
He heard silence as his answer as there was a thud and felt the box jerk followed by water splashing sounds and then Jinks felt himself sleepy shut his eyes. I suspect this dream involved what the High Council did Jinks Montreal as in dumping him into the ocean via box unsure why.
Jinks came to still dreaming to find himself lying in the High Council’s throne room with Anubis looking annoyed with ears flat on the gonoid head humanoid’s head. He got up and stared at the High Council seeing two figures standing in front of them he recognized as their speakers.
He frowned as the male speaker spoke “Terra, dump him in the ocean.”
He stiffened as he heard Ramses’ voice speaking in his mind “Why don’t you have him find that fur ball and get rid of it?”
He frowned as he heard the female speaker speaking “Fine do it. Erra, transport him to the cellar.”
Jinks found he standing in a cave with a set of steps going up to a metal door. He heard a mew sounding very loudly in an annoyed tone that sounded to him like a Ghost Walker. He stiffened as mist appeared which made him cough loudly and he hit the ground unconscious to float above his body to see his arms move crossing diagonal on his chest with hands fisted and an angry look on his face. He watched as two hooded robed figures in grey appeared from hidden states to lift him up carrying him, him floating above following their process. He followed them through a long cave hallway passed metal doors till they reached a large cave room where there was a spotlight on a stone table which his body was placed on top of it. He saw a hooded figure place clawed hands appearing to be banshee like with veins popping on his head as another place a hand on his arms pulling them with no effort to separate them. Jinks saw blackness arrived found himself back in h
is body kneeling on a stone floor. Jinks looked around to find he in some covered stone arena with people above watching him he saw were hooded figures. Jinks frowned as he heard a screeching sound on his left jerked his head towards that direction and looked to see a female form with a manoid snake appearance and reeds out of her fingers charging towards him. He darted to his feet standing still waiting as the female reached him swiping her reed claws missing him with them. He frowned seeing her eyes narrow with confusion in them as she swiped her claws in the air and saw her turn around still swiping them. Jinks eyed her back seeing knife like blades sticking out of it along with a tail jutting from her seat. He frowned as he wondered if she was only attacking him because of his movements she saw but couldn’t see him due to his still form. Jinks moved his form walking slowly around the female that appeared to stiffen jerking around which he kept his form still. He saw behind her coming from the ground was a white rose that was rising from the ground. He eyed it with distaste running through him as the rose, rose into the air followed by a head showing a tan Shadonian face looking feminine which was followed by a triangle shaped form which opened like a cocoon showing a bug like form. He eyed the new