Eric Book Series: Tale of the Zeskaya Read online

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with dirt and sees their heads crumble up. He continues to stand in the doorway watching the Samol as whirling tornadoes enter the doorway into the room and keeps guard while standing in the doorway to see a whirling tornado stand next to him he senses is a Samol and keeps his mouth shut about it continues to watch for any Rakcar arriving which he finds their nearby hanging around as whirling tornadoes and Rakcar forms appearing to be conversing with each other while pointing fingers at him which he figures that they’ll take him out and speaks that to the Samol next to him of that which the Samol asks him how he could see the Rakcar and he honestly admits how he sees them along with the Samol and others in hidden forms. He hears a comment of it explains things that makes his suspiciousness hit him comes to realize that the Samol can see people as the same way he can see them when their under the tech’s power in some hidden state. He doesn’t comment about it keeps his mouth shut eyes the Rakcar till a Samol puts a hand on his shoulder and orders him to go inside and hears that they can see what he sees the Rakcar as and that he just explained it to them that had them confused on what it was. Dictator obeys goes inside to stand next to the tube holding Leader to eye his son still having that angry expression on his face. Dictator comments loudly how the Rakcar figured out that this Mesan’s Curse was responsible for the damage done to the planet hears from Leader sounding in an electronic voice that shocks him that the Rakcar kept some kind of sensor aimed at batteries and the planet’s defense systems due to that they were aware that batteries could control systems from Jon the Humanian revealing himself of doing some kind of controlling which the Rakcar put the sensor in place just to make sure they could take out the battery who was controlling their planet’s weapons and mentions to Dictator that the Samol will have more people coming to help keep the Rakcar off of him. Dictator frowns as lights flash all over the place and sees that their all Zeskaya which he yells to them that he can see the hidden people and so can the Samol and that they have to be careful on where they go around here to protect Leader so that the Samol won’t accidentally target them. Dictator sees the Zeskaya all fade from view turning into whirling tornados that form a two rank circle around the tube with him in the middle of it besides Leader hooked up. He continues to eye the doorway watching and listening for anything while continuing to hear explosions continuing sounding loudly outside. He hears a Samol loudly speaking that the firing Mesan’s Curse is targeting the Rakcar’s power generators from the looks of it while firing at Rakcaran targets that attempt to shoot the battery building in an attempt to take him down and stop the firing. Dictator feels pain in his front to discover a whirling tornado itches away from him which backs up as he finds the scene changed to show a gate and gets an image of a place in his mind while figuring out that he’s getting medical help darts through the gate and passes out unconscious.

  Dictator paused from talking to frown sensing the sunlight was gone as he heard from Torrin "Anything else regarding what happened next?"

  He gave Torrin a glare and spoke "Dictator woke up on this moon world Edenia healed of his medical problems. Edenia via dream insisted that he stay and not leave."

  He paused from talking to frown while staring at the campfire only to hear a loud Yeer sounding of Torrin's voice.

  He glared at Torrin who spoke "You sound like you have more to say actually."

  Dictator noticed Brianna was still telling her story to Nikolas who was staring at her to his disgust with an amused expression on his face.

  He made a disgust sound only to hear "Ignore Nikolas mooning after your female. Just keep telling more of your story. What happened next anyway?"

  Dictator glared at Torrin who spoke in response "Alexei what happened to him actually? And explain why Brianna was heard calling you Eric at a meeting. What's up with that when your name is Dictator?"

  Dictator spoke "Because Eric is my descendant who was paired to Brianna who got her body transported off Terrania to Edenia by someone doing it and healed her of her medical problems. I think that transportation was done when Edenia ordered Humania to break away from Terrania. As far as I know she's orbiting this weird planet in the sky that is a sunset color-"

  "Just tell me what happened to Alexei and quite it with the planet's shades." He was interrupted.

  Dictator spoke in response with disgust within his voice tone the story.

  Kaison a Drainer, in Airplane hanger room of the water ship the Zeskaya keeps doors open by saying he hears a drainer sucking neck sound. Goes out in the darkness and returns with two wolves on his shoulders and a female holding his arm looking out of it. Their sent to medical.

  Alexei wakes up in morning told of the wolves and female they identified as Sue Ulian. Alexei goes to medical bay to see one wolf lying unconscious as the other wolf awake snapping at people trying to help. Alexei goes to snapping wolf and touches shoulder refusing to back down. Wolf changes form to Bruce Arkov, his granddaughter’s husband with anger on his face. Alexei signs the words “Lisha’s Grandfather” which Bruce’s anger leaves him. Bruce hauls up the wolf and follows Alexei to a room where Lisha in wolf form is laid on the double bed with Bruce lying on her in a wolf form. Alexei stays in room waiting as Lisha wakes up turning form as Bruce does the same. She identifies Alexei to Bruce as her grandfather from her father’s side and tells Alexei of King Winter arriving in the prison cell their kept in with Sue and takes them out. Lisha falls asleep with Bruce cuddling her. Alexei goes to visit Sue who tells him of Bruce raping Lisha in her presence after her being told of him shooting Kurt. She adds she saw the video of Eric killing Kurt with those two present and saw Bruce get mad throwing a tantrum which Lisha had to calm him down. Sue adds King Winter arrives and took them out of the prison to here where he sucked her neck drinking from her then left her as Kaison arrives to bring her here. Alexei later as night arrives told of Lisha and Bruce fighting in their wolf forms. Lisha has been heard screaming in terror in her Human form when Bruce and she are in Human forms in their room. As a result Alexei learns that they are kept separated in different rooms. Bruce is kept in his room by a restraint he is wearing that will knock him out if he leaves his room while Lisha is in her room demanding to be left alone. Alexei goes to his quarters to lie on the couch. He gets dream of a hung Lisha with a ropey object around her neck attached to a beam in a room. Alexei can’t sleep goes to Lisha’s room turns on the light while closing the door. He sees ropey object next to armchair Lisha is sitting in with a glare on her face. He goes to her asking in sign language if she is alright. Lisha attacks him with her fists knocking him to the floor. Alexei manages to sign “you have children. Don’t abandon them.”

  Lisha knocks him out with several fists in his face. Alexei astral projects himself seeing her get up walking towards the door which slams open as three figures he recognizes as the Elementals walk in the room. Lisha he sees pauses from movements as Teorjer zaps his body with electricity bolts. Alexei finds himself back in his body gets up and touches Lisha’s shoulder getting her attention.

  He signs “You under the virus wrote that you had children. There are three of them in front of you.”

  Lisha he sees has shocked expression on her face has he hears a loud voice in his head say “Mother.”

  He sees Lisha turn her head to stare at the Elementals while walking towards them. Elementals group hug Lisha then let go as Alexei signs to her that Sue told him that she saw Bruce forcing himself on Lisha herself. Alexei adds with a question of what’s going on. Lisha signs that one of her pregnancies while underneath the virus’ control was a result of a rape by a male who is dead and she has been scared to mate in the Human form. Bruce she adds has been trying to get her to get over being scared and mate with him in the Human form. Lisha includes that she thinks Bruce got mad at her for letting fear control her and forced her to mate him in the Human form which she got upset about along with getting freaked out. Alexei signs that she should go to Bruce and work things out. Lisha he sees leaves the room with him following. He stands i
n hallway and sees her enter Bruce’s room closing the door.

  Alexei hears Elementals say voice in head “Elementals take Alexei to someplace.”

  He protests as a ball of fire water and electricity surround him which he moves his feet feeling the ball’s movements. The ball reverts to show a familiar room which is where the Zeskaya meet.

  Alexei narrows his eyes and speaks “Ay Kabaiya, we will live forever, live forever” in foreign language which the Zeskaya appear from hidden invisibility states.

  One of the Zeskaya he sees walks forwards to place hand on his shoulder while speaking in a familiar voice “Brother.”

  Alexei puts his hand on the Zeskaya’s shoulder as he mentions fathering a son named Eric who’s appearance is twin to a Sun Lord called Dictator. He hears his brother speak that they have met Eric courtesy of the Elementals bringing him here along with the Seer here in the room identifying him as his son. Alexei is returned, goes to his office to stand staring out the window which blast doors slam over them along with the doors to the room slamming close. Alexei is confused takes out cell phone asking what’s