Files of the High Council 2 Read online

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remained sitting on the couch lengthy till he heard in his mind “You should be asleep now. The High Council will make your father pay for his crimes.”

  He stiffened from the voice male sounding in his mind sounding as the door to his apartment was manipulated and shut High Council later said “Ajax was told not to contact Triton with any commentary but read his mind.”

  Triton via recordings into the apartment without a word of response went into his bedroom and lay onto the bed clutching Tamyara’s pillow with a groan and forced himself to shut his eyes forcing himself to sleep.

  Email includes this paragraph as said by the Lancelot Nation’s Recorder recording this email to be sent to the High Council “High Council is a group of manipulative Highlanders living in Oceana near the Meritanians Walls and Kiddy. The High Council has used Assassin Lord’s minions to assassinate minions of Lancelot Nation’s natives including doing that death status repeatedly to Tamyara whose cloned form is still contained into the home base forever contained. Tamyara is cloned but kept safe for her safety out of Poisoner the Assassin Lord’s minion repeatedly poisoning her to death to give Pave Palin no excuse to serve the High Council without undivided loyalties.”

  Triton later wound up introduced to the Meritanians Walls and Kiddy via memories of himself meeting the High Council via a based home underwater nearby Lancelot Nation’s islands. It’s assumed the island is somewhere within the vicinity of the Meritanians’ minds scanning near Oceana. Triton was later implanted with a tracker implant was detected underwater near Kenibia’s religious state of Egypt. The Highlanders’ obsession towards Egypt involves the High Council’s base there as assumed despite Meritanians Walls and Kiddy still unable to mind scan people there. It’s assumed that Walls and Kiddy had small parts of them in kids’ plant forms taken from them and put into the vicinity of the Lancelot Nation’s islands for transportation and mind scanning.

  Triton recalled meeting the Meritanians, Walls and Kiddy by him heard a voice speaking in his mind “Wakey wake it’s rude to sleep when there’s guests’ present.”

  Triton was sensed thinking “Its odd hearing the voice sounded male and alien like Merra’s voice but seemed different.”

  Triton via memories of the High Council’s home base heard water lapping sounds to find him lying onto stone floor. He frowned as he got up and found himself facing a group of humanoids in red robed hooded robes he counted nine of them minus one finger of his ten on his hands. This is the High Council group themselves always manipulative. One of the figures via hooded robe walked forwards into his line of sight removing the hood. Triton via memory gulped seeing a human male with short blonde hair as the male appeared to eye him with a narrowed eyed look of a glare with eyes golden expecting him to say something. He saw the male’s eyes were unlike the golden eyes descendants of the Surrai marked by the golden eyed look living in South America’s island nation of Kurpanov’s Sanctuary having nothing to do with either the High Council or the Lancelots in their war. Triton recalled himself compelled by gibberish from the male to speak the entire story of his life raised in Oceana ending with him learning Tamyara was poisoned.

  He didn’t comment another word instead the male still glaring spoke words verbalized via Basic language “The poison’s cure is another poisoned status that must be injected into Tamyara by needle and then the antidote to that poison administered. We have the proper people working in place to do this to Tamyara Palina-“

  Triton rudely interrupted “Her name is Tamyara Chennikova. I’m not taking the name of Pavel Palin or the Palin name. I’m taking Tamyara’s name of Chennikova. I refused to have anything to do with Pavel Palin for not treating me as his son while growing up.”

  The male in response identified as Barry later by the High Council spoke “Your name is Pave Palin as publicity known and you’ll keep that name but the name of Triton is your private name for communications purposes among the High Council.”

  Triton spoke in response “I agree to that. So tell me what I must do to help Tamyara? My loyalty is towards her as my mate and my female mine.”

  He gave the golden eyed human a glare and got from the male in response “There’s something you must do for us when the time is right. So listen to our request and think smartly on whether to accept or refuse.”

  Triton heard the male’s request said “You will serve us as an assassin by the Assassin Lord as our request by saving Tamyara Chennikova.”

  Triton via memory recalled he groaned softly hearing the wording as the male added “You’ll be called for that request once you have thought it through. Tamyara is still going to be received medical help. Our loyalty towards her is that she’s a member of our species the Highlanders who we cherish and emphasized to live more than any other species on this planetary world.”

  High Council seemed to have loyalty towards Highlanders who serve them with undivided loyalties like dedicated servants and nothing divided from that.

  Triton frowned but didn’t comment a response as he found the Highlander as assumed was the male without a word thrusting a finger aimed at him and found his head covered by a clothe. He sensed the ground different from the hardness to feel softness of something bouncy. Triton removed the hood and found he standing on a bed. He removed the hood to eye it finding the thing was a hooded mask included eye plates for eyes in a familiar shape he gulped recognizing it. Triton saw the shape was indicating an Assassin Lord which he remembered the request got down from the bed and put it into the dresser out of sight. He eyed the time piece seeing he needed to get ready for work. Triton stupidity didn’t know he was transported to somewhere in the High Council’s base and left to think for his own thoughts before giving the words of loyalty. Triton via memories after Tamyara receiving High Council help was she was cloned by the High Council. Triton recalled himself arrived at high school early wearing suit and waited for the Principal a Kenibian to arrive. He frowned as the Kenibian arrived which he pestered with questions involving the job.

  The Principal gave up a loud Humph in response then spoke “Just post a note involving grading attendance to your classroom and hope the students read it. It’s just something for the students to do while their in your classroom sitting around not taking you seriously as a teacher to you.”

  Triton obeyed to Principal’s suggestion then posts note on bulletin board outside his classroom about being graded for attendance.

  A student as recognized a Kenibian named Daheara Wasilla arrives in classroom in the first period Basic class talking loudly “I wanting to be a judge of gymnastics and has to learn how to write in Basic for that.”

  Dakar Wasilla a Highlander family member of hers scolds her “The language being useless for you to learn from some idiot.”

  Triton at the time hearing that recalled the Principal’s answer to one of his questions groaned softly and waited for the students to be silent. Other students join in discussion and get in an argument about learning Basic.

  Triton waited for the students to stopping argument by saying loudly despite sensing them angry with violence “I thought you had a problem with me being a son of Emperor Palin who I’m aware that Americanians have a strong dislike hence this accurate nickname Emperor Executioner. He really is an executioner a spoiled brat who didn’t treat his first born son properly enough to hate his own father as a result.”

  Students silenced and shocked at his comment which Triton via memories of that were gasping loudly including willing aside his echolocation ability. The Akylah guards managed to get him to stand to face their leader of the Lancelot group in Rhineland as that nation is called formerly Switzerland, Germany and France. The leader is a female Akylah named Kirstana Nemany a clone of the original Nemany from the isle of Shadonia really Kurpanov’s Sanctuary.

  Triton recalled via memories with his mind scanned by the Meritanians kiddy plants Tank and Merra recalled himself at the high school telling the students as he continues talking “I’m asking the students why they signed u
p for class willingly? I mentions I got this information straight from the Principal from what I pestered him to answer questions on.”

  Students appeared to be are ashamed and cooperate when he starts teaching them Basic subject Emperor Palin as an executioner.

  Bell rings and during the period class change he overhears first period students loudly telling other students in the hallway “Mister Pave Palin knows about you students willingly signing up for the class along with him thinking we had a problem with him from his family. He agreed with our argument on calling his own father an executioner.” in very loud tones tell the second period students “You’re to cooperate with Pave Palin as your teacher.”

  Triton appears to pretend to not overhear as the second period students come in talking, bell rings and they cooperate with him when he starts teaching Basic. It’s the same with the other class periods till the end of school is over.

  Triton via memories thinks “I finally have the students’ respects.”

  He recalled himself walked himself home to find the familiar golden eyed Highlander really Barry an All Seeing One male compeller seated on his couch giving him a familiar glare. Triton found his mind scanned