A Bedtime Story Version 1 Read online

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appearing to look like a young Barry, by the facial expression, in a familiar glare, he gulped seeing.

  He kept on watching as Barry flared golden eyes to hear "Barry! Will that evil eyed look away now!"

  Nikolas frowned as Barry obeyed, but kept the glare in response, he gulping to see to focus onto the High Council, finding Timer was freed of the Souler gear. He gulped seeing Timer was appearing to look like a bald head Tom, without any hair and had golden eyes while appearing to have bony hands and arms, including a flesh out muscular form of Tom's, but was clad only in a loincloth. He found himself compelled to keep on watching as Barry kept the glare, he noticed.

  He frowned as Shad and Onya spoke in unison "Tank, transport Barry and his evil eyed look out!"

  Nikolas found Barry in response speaking gibberish, he recognized the language as Builder's chatter and found the male wasn't transported out as ordered, instead remained standing, staring at the High Council, with a glare on his face. He frowned to sense someone staring at him, inches away, to open one eye, to find Arena had her eye in front of his face.

  Nikolas got a tut sound from Arena in response he recognized it as "Keep watching."

  He obeyed to keep on watching as if drawn, via his mind, by Edenia,, ordering him to watch. Nikolas saw the speakers again speaking their familiar order of transporting Barry out, only to find the male speaking Builder's chatter language. He frowned feeling himself confused to what was going on with the High Council and Barry as the male again spoke Builder's chatter, till he heard snickering like laughter sounding of the Meritanians loudly. Nikolas recognized the laughter tone as Arena's hissing in a snickering like tone, as he kept on watching as Barry disappeared, into a light show followed by Timer disappearing into a light show. He found both speakers bowing their heads, followed by the High Council behind them, acting like they were in pain of headaches, by hands grabbing their heads and groans heard loudly. He frowned to what was happening to the High Council as Arena's snickering like laughter got too much for him, to open his eyes to with a glare.

  He found Arena out of sight but Guardian standing facing him with arms folded who snarled "Just make up your mind on the shield bit! I got things to do with my mate!"

  Nikolas frowned as he found Edenia flashing her familiar sun image in the sky, to realize that something had happened to the High Council that would occupy them from landing onto the moon world.

  He spoke firmly towards Guardian "Just go do what you want with your mate now!"

  He found Guardian with a sound of disgust disappearing in a light show. Nikolas got up without a word, only to find Arena appearing in front of him, via a hidden status he assumed she had and was again, sticking her eye onto his face.

  He groaned and spoke "I'm clueless to what you and Edenia are up to at the moment."

  He glared at Arena, who quit her eye peering, to speak in her guttural language, he finding himself, understanding her "The natives of the Zesky Asylum, when they cloned Alexei, were doing it, to find something of his thought process in his mind, wound up creating the Soulers, who mentally linked via mind, courtesy of the Freeloaders' influence of having that happen. Like the Freeloaders' mental link, among females, always knowing what's in their minds, while males stay out. The High Council forgot about that mental mind link when they cloned themselves and the Soulers together, which that mental mind link wound up activating, actually by the Meritanians on Barry's orders. Every single Souler focus onto the males, will know instantly what the High Council is thinking via that mental mind link and nothing can stop that link not even the Meritanians. That's something the High Council will have to learn by themselves, which will occupy them for awhile. Hence Edenia disagreeing with your shield order."

  He sighed and didn't comment a response to Arena's words, as she again gave up purring sounds and rubbed her snout onto his front. He sighed again and rubbed his hands on top of her eyelid, finding her eyes shut and she appearing to like it, while again giving off her purring noises.

  Nikolas heard snickering like laughter sounding of Dictator's voice to him making him annoyed to speak "I don't find this funny and quit laughing now, Dictator!"

  He found Arena in response giving off a puff of air onto him, followed by her jerking her head away from him and puffing out flames of fire into a direction, while giving off a loud sound of disgust. He sighed as Arena without a word faded from view as indicating a hidden status and shifted to look in the direction, where she puffed fire. He found Dictator in view shaking off dirt on his form, appearing to be ashes he saw, as he gave the male a glare.

  Dictator spoke "Alright it's not funny, but it's funny that a gonoid would favor a manoid like that after awhile of not doing it. Arena has been usually standoffish towards manoids, enough to not want anything to do with them and kicking them out of her nesting spot, as in picking them up and dumping them, into the nearest body of water. She hasn't been doing that behavior towards manoids in awhile. I'm not sure what's with the behavior change."

  He frowned as Dictator without a word walked away him, finding Arena appearing from a hidden status, to find her getting up in the air via wings and picking up the male, with her claws who snarled "Arena!"

  Nikolas found Arena flew up into the air and kept her hold onto Dictator. He groaned as he heard a loud Hmph sounding off his side.

  He found Brianna standing, with arms folded, who spoke "Just hope she dumps him into a pool of water for his jokey status of being rude. He's annoyingly rude."

  Nikolas sighed and heard a howl sounding of pain, loudly along with a light show, to find Lance Richard, standing with arms folded, a glare with his eyes all black.

  Nikolas spoke "What?"

  He glared at Lance Richard who spoke "Why is Arena dumping her eggs into travel gates, including her latest toy, this Human, dubbing himself Dictator?"

  Nikolas groaned only to hear from Brianna "About time she threw that idiot off! He's rude and inappropriate and I don't appreciate his attitude around here!"

  He frowned as he eyed the sky, to find Lance Richard clapping his hands and snarling "Arena is dumping her eggs into travel gates, all over the place. She's made a nest out of the Travel gate's hallway and is busy dumping eggs into there. I can feel it."

  Nikolas spoke loudly "Arena! You're wanted here by me!"

  He didn't have long to wait as Arena appeared, via a hidden status ability, which he gestured to Lance Richard, who appeared to look nervous, as he spoke "Just tell her what you told me."

  Nikolas found Lance Richard in response disappearing in a light show as he sighed and got purring rubs by Arena.

  He spoke "I was told a wild story of you making a nest in the Travel gates' hall and dumping eggs into travel gates. Tell me that's just a joke."

  He eyed Arena who halted her purring to give out a groan noise, followed by her speaking "Not a joke. It's what Edenia orders me to do. What she says I do period."

  Nikolas didn't say a word in response as Arena took to the skies and flew away. He sighed and figured that he'll go to the Hayu's camp, to tell a story as nourishment. Nikolas walked sensing Brianna following, her giving off loud Hmph noises repeatedly. He ignored her and went to the Hayu's camp, finding them gathered around logs, all appearing to be waiting for his arrival, by glares aimed at him.

  Nikolas spoke "Yes I got a story to tell you."

  He went to an empty log and sat, finding Brianna had joined him, and found Hayu staring at him, with looks indicating him, to speak the story.

  Nikolas spoke in response "On a planet called Shadan, lived a group named High Council....."

  The End?