A Stranger's Fear Edited Page 5
newspapers and went to it.
He took out a newspaper he saw said “King’s Times.”
Sighing softly he went to a table he found after doing some exploring hidden from view behind a large towering bookcase in a corner due to feeling himself fearful and didn't want others to continue to stare at him despite them sensed doing it to him in the library, and sat reading the paper. The newspaper he read continued to detail the same old story to him new laws by the King the Humans' titled leader and a government group including laws that were struck down by either one. He continued to read an article said to be the King’s words as if the King himself wrote it like an editorial talking about times being hard due to technology troubles and troubles with the weather hitting the United States along with talking about the past Ancient Earth history about how the Humans in space in an orbiting space station regrouped after a disaster of an asteroid hit Earth causing devastation and destruction despite failed attempts to destroy the asteroid which the current planetary world Terra wound up forming in its place. He continued to read that the Human survivors after a month in space watching the planet for signs of life managed to find something survived landed onto it via space shuttles due to supplies on the space station were running out and found the dinosaurs came back to existence along with the air not good for Humans to breathe hence the creations of domes and plants altered to give off air while contained in those domes. Jinks frowned reading the newspaper reading its entire contents feeling himself needing to do it. He sigh once done and went to the newspaper case putting it away then went to the computers examining one he saw needed a library card for access. Sighing he wandered out of the library walking among the town exploring its contents visiting buildings that seemed to accept the public till the sun became low in the sky and he walked out of the town through the airlock picking up a new oxygen mask seeing that they were the same. He again had to wait for the computer to say it was safe for him to go out and went through the drawbridge entrance noticed by people standing around watching him again making him still nervous. He went to the cemetery and let himself inside putting on the electricity after getting inside and walked to Janel’s grave to kneel eyes staring at her tombstone. He gently reached out a hand and gave the tombstone a rub of caring as the sun disappeared from the sky going pass the horizon. He lied on his back taking off his hat to stare at the sky as he again heard the dinosaur noises faintly but loud to him. Jinks flinched from a glare of a flashlight abruptly shining in his face and sat up glaring at the intruder he glimpsed was a male wearing some police uniform.
He felt himself nervous from the glare as the male stopped shining the flashlight onto him and he saw was wearing an identical oxygen mask as the male spoke “Oh good that I’m not alone in here. I got to the town too late to see the drawbridge up and had to take shelter in here. I dislike being alone in graveyards. The place gives me the creeps.”
Jinks rolled his eyes feeling annoyance hitting him as he again lied on his back and placed his hat on his chest to stare at the sky. Jinks sensed the male had stopped his chatter as he kept his mouth shut as the policeman he assumed was his job sat down next to him on Roosevelt’s grave without a word. He shut his eyes allowing himself to sleep and ignored the man who continued to chatter talk he heard partly about graveyards scaring him since he was a kid. Jinks fell asleep dreaming of memories with Janel and her friendship with him flashing in his mind’s eye. He woke up sensing daylight to hear a loud snoring sound besides him.
He sat up to look at the policeman who had tan skin and black long hair which was pulled back in a braid judging by the looks of it from the man’s lying position on his back who he saw had a name plate that said “Stonehawk”.
Jinks exhaled a breath and got up walking away feeling himself too nervous to talk to the male. He heard a shout of surprise behind him and kept walking figuring out that the policeman had waken up. He went to the dome's airlock and undid the electricity and walked out to the town going through the entrance noticed by people staring at him he again forced himself to ignore despite feeling fearful and again got the familiar scenario of entrance granted. He walked to the town’s library and again got the familiar newspaper with a different date on it in the newspapers’ case and went to a corner to sit at a table reading it.
He heard a throat clearing noise sounding nearby him but kept on reading the paper due to thinking "Whoever that is will leave me alone once it's obvious I'm not going to acknowledge them."
Jinks ignored the noise and heard a male voice whispering “Stranger, don’t you have a name sir?”
He lowered the paper to see a male he assumed was the librarian by a name plate on the front saying Longbow while wearing green clothing appearing to be an uniform of some business suit and tan skin with hair in a crew cut and intense blue eyes that stared at him creeping him out making him more nervous further.
Jinks exhaled a breath and spoke whispering finding from the male's expression that he wasn't going to leave till he answered his question period “The name’s Dominique.”
He again raised his paper to continue read and heard the librarian again speak “The name’s Cougar Longbow. Welcome to Wolf’s Howl. Feel free to ask for anything around here and people will see that you get it.”
He kept his mouth shut and continued to read the paper hearing silence from the librarian and peered over it to see that Cougar he assumed was his name had walked out of sight making him relieved from that along with the fearful feeling stopping but still there. He read the paper reading its entire contents and then got up putting it back in the newspapers’ case.
His eye fell on a newspaper that said “Master’s Herald.”
Jinks felt curiosity hitting him overtaking his fearful feeling picked up the newspaper and carried it back to the table where he sat and began reading it. He discovered the newspaper focused on the belief of believing Lance Richard as a Master and god and lord of Humans. He continued to read the newspaper mention in it talking about an unidentified man who’s facial appearance was looking alike to Lance Richard being pegged as the vessel that had disappeared some time ago saying the man had gone into hiding due to being scared off by religious fanatics who saw him as their deity Lord. Jinks paused from reading to grimace feeling himself further scared running through him. He recalled to himself the reason why he was in Wolf’s Howl in hiding which was what the newspaper had said about religious fanatics who saw him as their Master and tried to worship him as a deity Lord by containing him in some glass box at some shrine place for Lance Richard. Jinks shook his head and continued to read the newspaper which detailed attempts to find the man have resulted in few clues with searchers believers of the Master secretly seeking the man in hiding in an attempt to find him and help him cope with the religious fanatics.
Jinks paused from reading to thought to himself as fear billowed through "Their not helping me with that by them making things worse by getting those fanatics aware of my location and then they’ll come and capture me then contain me in some shrine place of worship towards Lance Richard using me like some prize object which my freedom and privacy will be restricted by them watching my every move while in containment.”
Jinks heard from Lance "Jinks stop being scared with some belief that all of the Master Organization people are feeling like that. Start believing that there's some of the people who don't act like that."
He grimaced feeling fear hitting him while giving his head a shake then continued to read the newspaper which he read detailed information about what the Master would want believers to do which mentioned living life according to following the land’s laws and helping people with their problems whether their believers or not and passing along the belief to believer’s children.
Jinks sigh pausing from reading thinking to himself “Just once can’t someone do something about the fanatics to get them stopped obsessed with the Master and let me have a life?”
He again grimaced from fear hearing nothing from Lan
ce and continued to read the newspaper which he found an article detailed information about search efforts to find Lance Richard’s look alike with a report of them focusing in New York City due to reports of people homeless and not homeless mysteriously hit with sleepiness when in presence of a man. The article he read continued to mention that people have from hypnosis' scans from doctors specialized in that ability have said that they reported encountering a man matching Lance Richard’s facial appearance description while wearing different types of clothing on his form which they said they confronted him on his face and got him flaring some all black eyed look along with sleepiness hitting them putting them asleep. He kept reading while grimacing that the newspaper detailed that the last sighting of the look alike was reportedly said that he was wearing clothing that appeared to be leather animal skins and haven’t seen him since. Jinks groaned softly as he recalled mentally putting people to sleep with the mental abilities he dubbed Master in control whenever he encountered them confronting him on his face being twin to Lance Richard along with stealing items from the people such as money to buy food and an exchange of