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A Bedtime Story Version 1 Page 4

silence from Timer, to find the image in his mind, flashing onto Yana, typing rapid fired paced, onto the laptop. He frowned to hear snickering like laughter from the Meritanians, to concentrate onto Yana, as if drawn, to find her halted her typing to look up, appearing to see him via his mind and wave a hand in his direction. Nikolas found the image in his mind gone away as he kept on hearing the familiar snickering like laughter from the Meritanians.

  He found his mouth uncovered and opened his eyes, finding Timer, in front of him speaking via mind he heard "Interesting trick, Edenia."

  He stiffened from the name of Edenia to glare with annoyance, running through him, while glaring at Timer, to find the being again speaking in response, using his voice "You cloned Barry to have this form I'm seeing in front of me."

  Nikolas stiffened of shock sensing Timer's words were true, as he found Anubis going up to Timer and whispering "Your back to the High Council is inappropriate."

  He frowned as memories of himself as Barry, flashed into his mind, he realized with a start that Timer wasn't kidding on the male's cloning. Instead he kept the glare and didn't comment a response while folding his arms. He found the Falcons adjusted their holds till it was on his shoulders as he glared at Timer.

  Nikolas spoke as if compelled "Just who the depths are you, Timer, as you wish to be called?"

  He gave Timer a glare in response, to find the being rotating a bit, till arms came into view sideways, he gulped seeing the arms were bony and yellow and odd looking to him, in a familiar way, making him wonder where he's seen them before.

  He kept on gulping as Timer spoke in response "I'm disappointed, High Council, that you don't recognize me, even with the getup that the Soulers made me wear."

  He stiffened as Tom's Berserker side came into his mind including recognizing the arms and hands spoke "Tom, is that you, or a clone of you?"

  Nikolas heard "Argh!" spoken by both speakers, along with hearing "Transport Barry as he wishes to be called out of here now, Meritanians!"

  He found himself transported back into Yana's presence, who looked up from typing onto the laptop, with a finger onto the keyboard and got from her "So how's my Tom doing, despite his getup anyway?"

  Nikolas groaned and went to sit down onto the armchair and spoke "The High Council or whatever name, their calling themselves didn't recognize Tom at first, till I pointed it out. How did the Soulers clone him anyway? I got the impression he wasn't able to be cloned."

  He frowned while eyeing Yana, who in response, went into another rapid fired pace of typing, onto the laptop ignoring his question, as he heard from Dalton "Alexei wasn't the only one who was cloned in their experiments. The natives of the Zesky Asylum have been trying for years to clone Tom, with whatever piece of DNA, they could get from him. The High Council treasured Tom, as their perfect servant, and did whatever they could to avoid that cloning status, to happen. Hence they tossing him off the planet to go with a High Council group, to Earth, to do an invasion onto that planetary world, to get the Humans underneath their control, like any other planetary world, their doing at the moment."

  Nikolas eyed Dalton who added with eyes still shut appearing to be mediating "The Zesky Asylum managed with pieces of Tom's DNA, collected over the years, to create a cloned copy of Tom via his Berserker side, dubbed Timer, as another name for Tom, since it was insisted, on not use the name of Tomah, unsure why."

  Nikolas eyed Yana, finding Dalton appeared to be mediating and looked like he was attempting to sleep with head bowed and in a kneeling pose. He frowned eyeing Yana, who halted her typing by a finger onto the keyboard and gave him a glare, with the Master in control.

  "Your staring is rude." He got from Yana, who added, after he cleared his throat "Tomah is Tom's Mother's name. He managed to admit that to me, but is still smarting on why she's not in his life, to raise him or give him any love acceptance, he wanted in the first place. Hence he desperate to do anything for the High Council for that love acceptance in question."

  Nikolas again cleared his throat hearing Yana's voice had an edge in it which she added "He admits he has a father, who's a Freeloader, as the High Council calls that species, which followed him from Uzan, his birthplace, to Shadan, manipulating him and his life. Not sure where or what happened to his father."

  Yana paused then continued "From files of the High Council, I managed to hack, that the group used some peace agreement towards the Freeloaders, to trick them into revealing his father and Tom's own sons, raised by the Freeloaders. The sons got transported off Shadan, by Ramses, with memories erased in the process. Something the High Council was trying to do, to avoid any cloning statuses done onto my Tom. They feared that the sons would prove to be the key for cloning and transported them off. I'm not finding much in files on Tom's father, except to say that there was a transportation order done onto him, by Ramses. The files claim that the transportation order was a success and nothing else at the moment."

  He again heard an edge in Yana's voice tone saw her resume typing which he spoke loudly "Yana."

  He got Yana's attention as she gave him a glare in response which he spoke "Timer is Tom's Father, himself isn't he?"

  Nikolas got a head shake in a no gesture from Yana, making him confused, only to hear "Timer is a cloned copy of Tom, actually only in his Berserker form, used by the Soulers to do various jobs and kept in line by restraints on his form, to make him seem like machine when he's not a machine." He heard from Dalton in response.

  Nikolas gave up a hiss sound to find Dalton opening his eyes and speaking "I'm surprised that you're clueless of the High Council and their methods, by you, acting like that when you're supposed to already know of it."

  He leaned forwards while in his chair and spoke firmly "Edenia sends her regards, High Council."

  Nikolas gave up snickering like laughter in response, as he found himself out of the body of Barry and back onto his own body in Edenia, while lying on the floor of her sanctuary room. He groaned opening his eyes, while rubbing a hand over his forehead, and heard identical groaning noises, sounding off his left. Nikolas clad in his familiar white gonoid skin clothes and long white hair, got up, finding Brianna, lying on the ground, groaning, like he was groaning. He heard a loud Hmph sound, to find Dictator, in a fast speed move, going to him, to thrust out his sword onto his neck.

  Nikolas gulped as Dictator spoke in a snarling angry voice "she better be alright from this jokey status, you pulled onto Brianna, Edenia.'

  Nikolas glared in response removing Dictator's sword off his neck, he realized that the male was indicating him as Edenia, the moon world's ruler and holder of the Edenia title. Nikolas kept his mouth shut as Dictator thrust back his sword and darted in a fast speed move towards Brianna, to kneel next to her holding her hand. He groaned and forced himself to kneel while shaking his head of dizziness, from his body jumping move he did. He sensed a presence of someone was staring at him, inches away from his face. Nikolas jerked open his eyes to find Arena, the Dragon, had her eye inches away from him, she appeared without a sound to be in front of him.

  He groaned out "Must you do that, Arena?"

  Nikolas glared at Arena with annoyance within him as she removed her snout face and made purring moves of a cat, rubbing her snout onto his front, in a cat like behavior purring loudly. He sighed to hear snickering like laughter sounding in Dictator's voice tone, he noticed the male was looking at his direction and had mirth in his eyes.

  He ignored Dictator's laughter to hear "Hmph! Love comes in different forms Dictator!"

  Nikolas sighed as Arena kept up the purring, snout rubbing, onto his front despite Brianna's outburst comment. He sighed and forced himself to put hands onto Arena's snout, on top of her head and rubbed in response, as she kept on the purring behavior. He sighed once she was done, by jerking her head away and jumping into the air flying with her leather wings on her back out of sight.

  Nikolas groaned and forced himself to get up speaking loudly "Clones? Here we go again
with the High Council. Another piece of the game. Ugh."

  He groaned and forced himself to walk out of Edenia's sanctuary temple, ignoring Dictator and Brianna making noises of mating, to his ears.

  He walked out and into the sunrise of a new day and without a word spoke "Guardian!"

  Nikolas didn't have long to wait as there was a light flash, showing a male Human, with looks of Jinks Montreal, on the face with brown hair, including the male's clothes of all black in gonoid animal skins, appear in front of him, flaring all black eyes.

  Nikolas spoke "Let it be known that visitors are forbidden for entering Edenia, without suffering from mortal injury, even if its via force or not."

  He found Guardian as he referred him despite the Jinks Montreal look, holding up hands, raising them above and speaking loudly "Shield."

  He found the sky blinked night to show a moon of rock, he recognized as the moon world Edenia's way of disagreeing with his latest order.

  Nikolas found Guardian disappearing in a light show as he kneeled and spoke "Just give me a better idea to protect you from harm. I don't aim to have visitors harming you with destruction, hence the shield put in place."

  He found himself urged to shut his eyes, obeyed to do it, to found himself given an image of the High Council's throne room, he saw a clone of Jinks Montreal,