A Shark's Tale Page 4
I told Mom "I Love You."
I hugged her. It brought tears to her eyes. She was happy to see me.
I spoke "Where's Dad?"
She spoke "Your Dad will come once he finishes business at work."
I looked over on my right and saw Lucy and a male I assumed was her Father judging by the looks of the resemblance. They were hugging each other. Lucy waved hi to me. I waved hi back. I felt like I missed many things while I was out sick but at least I have Lucy with me to help me recover.
I won't be going back to college school because of what Mom told me "You're staying out of college school. Just for the semester just to make sure your sickness and virus status is completely gone from you. Besides the doctors said, throwing you into college school so soon after the healing would possibly cause a relapse of the virus to hit again. They don't want to take any chances of that happening again. So sorry you'll be out this semester till next college school semester starts again."
I didn't have a choice in my Mom's talk for she sounded firm when she spoke them regarding college school. As for Lucy I hope I can keep my friendship with her. She seems to like me but I'm not sure which view she's viewing towards me besides giving me this friendly smile aimed at my direction whenever I look at her. I still want to be her friend and maybe continue the friendship to see where this goes even if it turns into a relationship something I'm not complaining about anyway.
Chapter fourteen
I’ve been home for suns now. I saw when I arrived home with Dad to our new apartment that he and Mom have adopted two female cats their dubbed Vicki and Demi. Both cats were both sniffing my feet like I was a stranger but they let me pet them separately. Vicki and Demi didn’t complain when I picked them up. The pick up was via instructions of my parents. I held them separately for a bit before squirming to be let down.
My Mom spoke "The squirming is cat speak for put me down now so do that Lizzy."
I obeyed. Demi I assumed was her by her tan and brown fur just rubbed her face on my face. Vicki I assumed was her by her grey and white fur rubbed my ear with her face. I guess the cats like me. It was so good to be at my parents despite the apartment is different this time. The night I got home I got into my room and jumped on my bed and clutched my pillow to my chest. I looked around my room and it was the same from the old apartment set in the twin way as that old apartment. Also I noticed that for some areas I kept messy looking while in the old apartment looked like they were clean of messes and being neat this time in the new apartment. I think Mom has been doing the cleaning in here. Its due to how clean freaked she is when it comes to keeping the apartment clean period. I was so happy to be home. I just am so glad to be home and cured of the virus, Yay. During the night I slept fine with no weird dreams of Kokay and suffering from being a shark. I also felt that one of the cats slept on me.
It was like their way of saying “Good I accept you and I want to snooze on you.”
Dad told me during my time of being home, with bonding with the cats while he worked "Your grandparents, your Mom's parents are coming over to see you along with your cousin Nina and her Mom Aunt Silvia. They’ll be coming a certain day which I'm not sure when it is but they said a certain day. They'll tell me when it is and I'll tell you later."
So it’ll be good to see them and my cousin Nina too. Later the certain day arrived is when the doorbell rang. I went to answer the door to find the Grandparents, Nina and Silvia came and I was so happy to see them. Gramma I refer her as that had her traditional vanilla cake with her. We had a little party for my home coming. I saw Nina who I greeted with a big hug. It was nice to do that because I missed her quite a lot. Nina hugged me back. We spent the party time pouring over the contents of my journal with the shark stuff in it. I typed in it from memory of recalling what happened to me while sick with the virus. We even spent time in my room discussing subjects and the shark changing ability in quiet talk.
It’s according to Nina sounding sarcastic "The Great Whites were a humanoid race of skin walkers I calls them."
She even said "Those Great Whites were sick of living on Earth and treated unkindly. They went to Mars and passed down the skin walking ability onto our family line. They didn't want other people to know of despite people thinking the ability was a virus when its not."
I wasn't sure if she was kidding or not till she added "Boo gotcha smarty! I'm joking hah, hah!"
I didn't find the joke humorous anyway instead gave her a glaring stare of accusation. This stare wound up getting her gulping.
Nina speaking in a small voice "Sorry I didn't know that the shark ability traumatized you too much hence you not laughing."
I spoke towards her "If you call fighting a virus while in that shark form cool you got to be kidding."
Nina I heard gave off a groaning noise before speaking "I again say sorry about that joke. I guess it's a sore subject with you anyway."
I was about to speak when the intercom came on interrupting "Lizzy, Nina, your wanted in the living room so come downstairs now."
We both obeyed. Nina didn't bring up the subject of being a shark a joke to me again or in presents of other family members. I wound up assuming that she learned her lesson on me not finding her joke funny at all. Anyway the visit didn't last long to my standards. For my Grandparents with Nina and Aunt Silvia left for home in another apartment section of the underground compound. I wound up going to my room to sit and picked up my computer journal pad. I came to find it was nearly full too full for me to type any more entries unless I downloaded it onto the computer's mainframe. I've managed to download every thing onto the main computer of my room before I started a new journal file.
I just typed on the last page of that journal in big letters: “It’s so good to be home and slightly sane.”
The slightly sane remark was a joke. I was trying for a humorous attempt to finish the journal's file. Whew, it was good to see my family and spend the time with them. As for Lucy, our friendship now a relationship will have to be long distance for a bit by letters, phone and email for awhile. She lives in an apartment compound area that’s near my Grandparents’ home. I still want a relationship with her and so does she. I still like her and she does like me too. I figured I could always live at the Grandparents’ home and see her from time to time. It means I have to agree with Dad’s wishes of me going to college school in Northern Crisville while living with the Grandparents. Oh that’s a small price to pay just to see Lucy and continue the relationship with her. It’ll be good to do that. I’m so glad that my life is back to normal now. It sure was weird being under the virus. I sometimes wonder what happened to the Kokay while I was underneath the shark virus. I also sometimes wonder if these Kokay was a real person despite feeling from time to time that he was really real. That being a shark was real while living in the ocean feeding off fishes. I think of how I will react if I see Kokay and how I would react if I change into a shark again. I also have come to doubt Nina's jokey attitude related to the Great Whites being skin walkers. I have had been having dreams of being a shark for too many nights lately that seemed realistic. Also dreams of some male Human a Human version of Kokay injecting into a Great White shark a needle drawing blood. Then the Human later injects the syringe into a female that reminds me of my Dad by the resemblance while looking heavily pregnant with a baby as she's asleep. I keep dreaming of this Human Kokay keep on running medical needle injection tests onto this pregnant woman while she's asleep. She doesn't wake up from that while the syringes focuses onto the area where she's carrying the baby too much. I also dream of the baby surgically taken out that is a Human who forms into a baby version of a Great White shark. This before dumped into a tank and remains like that for a bit before taken out and shifts form into a Human. I also dream of the baby growing up to be a male that looks like my Dad. He has different color hair despite the face the same who gets dumped into a water tank becoming a shark. He remains that way while swimming among fishes and other a
nimals in the tank at some aquarium. I would wake up from that dream to go to the computer to type down this male's description to find nothing or anything on him on the computer files making me confused. The dreams have been realistic enough to make me believe that there is actually someone in the family that got changed into a Great White shark. That someone got dumped into an aquarium tank on a permanent basis hence Nina's wording on talking about this. I'm beginning to believe that this skin walking dream I dreamed actually happened due to what happened to me. It's actually due to finding the Kokay name. It was found among my family tree involving a medical doctor a male relative on my Dad's side of the family with not much detailed report on who he is. I only found a picture of him. I saw the picture that showed the male to be this Kokay from my dream of being in the water tank while being a Great White Shark. Also files from what I could find on this Kokay doesn't detail much on who he is and what happened to him. That other than saying the words "Missing in action."
I know that my Dad won't be forthcoming on this Kokay relative. That's due to hearing my parents arguing on this person. It happened when I was younger barely ten years old despite my teens' age of seventeen years old at the moment. Their argument was about this Kokay breaking the law they refused to explain further instead kicked me out of my hiding place and sent me to my room. I wasn't able to hear more of the subject till my Mom came into the room.
She spoke "This Kokay your hearing is a relative of your Dad's side of the family. He did bad things against the law. Don't bring up the name or subject of who he is to your Father's presence period. Your Father considers this forbidden. He will punish you harshly for that as forcing you to do the dishwashing chore of hand washing the dishes instead of via dishwashing machine."
After saying her talk, Mom took leave of me and left my room. I wound up going to bed that night. I guess the virus according to Mom later made me see many things that it was hard to tell the truth from the fakes. I do know that Lucy is real but me still wondering about the other things too. I guess I better enjoy life the best I can to the fullest. Life isn’t meant to be easy all the time. Life is something that can be cut short in an instance. I’m trying my best to enjoy life the best I can. I never know what the future can bring.