Nikolai's Dream Read online

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the air that landed away from him onto the sand. The sand resembled a lake to him via splashing all around the figure and swallowing him whole despite Meritanian’s snickering like laughter was heard. It sounded like the Meritanians played a joke of dumping the High Council into the water when they asked to mind scan the soul. The soul went inside and repeated the process with the other figures including tossing out the torch light then went to the rats’ room, where he could see rats running around in all directions. With quick hand movements the soul grabbed a rat by the tail and tossed it in the air catching it with his hand around its neck which he squeezed choking it. The soul didn’t realize at the time that someone was shouting at him, to squeeze a hand, holding onto his hand, hence he thinking rat’s squeezing to death when’s its involving that shouting actually. The soul smiled a smile of satisfaction as the rat died giving up to death, going limp, in his hand. The soul walked out of the room biting into the rat’s body going out the corridor towards the entrance to outside and stood chewing as he listened. The soul heard voices yelling, exclamations, words not understood with overlapping as he listened. The soul heard sounds of a gonoid, sounding familiar sounds, as he stood which became fainter and fainter.

  “I didn’t recognize the goniod’s sounds at first, but later I realized it was of a dog.”

  The soul once finished with the rat tossed the carcass away went to the pool room, going inside, to kneel at the pool, bringing his hand in it, scooping up water which he drank repeatedly.

  The soul spoke once finished drinking “I’ll stay here and keep people out for it’s my home, my place and my sanctuary. No one will enter this place, not if I have to kill them, just to get rid of the people entering here.”

  The soul sighed literally via body and got up leaving the room to the corridor which he walked entering the large room to stand staring at the sarcophagus. The soul walked to putting a hand on top of the gravesite of Lance Richard.

  The soul spoke again “I’ll guard you to keep others from interfering with your rest. You have my word on this for I’m not leaving ever. Nothing will bring me out of this sanctuary except death.”

  The soul gave the sarcophagus a rub that felt literally like a purring cat underneath his hand.

  “I was later told that Kurpanov Kossman hit upon an idea to put a cat one of those kitties, above the warship, to kill off rodents, on top of my front to wake me up from my coma sleep. It seemed that I literally felt that cat and put a hand onto it’s back feeling the rumbling vibrations. Cats are some form of what my father, Thurin’s form is a humanoid cat but he must be who the High Council and Highlanders have fear of cats originated. Him and his invisibility abilities and mind walking abilities. Ugh.”

  The soul removed his hand to go to a corner lying on the ground closing his eyes as he let sleep over come him.

  The soul further dreamed of walking in the desert wearing robes that covered his head, showing his golden Human like eyes peering out.

  The soul was following a figure wearing identical robes covering the head which a voice as heard, sounding likes my father, Thurin, himself said “This is Nightwalker, our God, King of Hell.”

  Nightwalker, he unsure of why’s he’s said to be the God King of Hell stopped and removed the robe from his head showing a creepy face as recognized as Hades himself clad in his Hades’ mask. The soul stood next to Nightwalker removing his robe from his head to stare at him. Hades as I refer him that Drainer looked at the soul before a shaking violently which he screamed before looking down. The soul looked down to see an eater light licking at Hades’ robes surrounding him. The soul darted towards Hades to help which a fist was felt with a fist in the face, throwing him backwards hitting the ground with ropes tying him there. The soul lay on the ground staring at Hades with horror on his face as the eater abruptly rose surrounding the male, with the ropes felt like multiple glove hands.

  The soul as overheard screamed out “Father!”

  “I’m not sure why I screamed out Father except the wording was referred to my pleading to my father to let me live again while I was considered disappeared by the High Council. My cloned copy, dubbing himself Mindbender or Tom Thunder a dedicated servant of the High Council felt a compulsion via instincts hitting him to bring a hand onto my front he told me this.

  He brought a hand onto my front and with his Berserker side in control mentally spoke ‘Heart restart.’

  I wound told ‘you sucked oxygen as if alive, gasping loudly, before stopping the gasping and appeared to be breathing shallow or very slowly. Kurpanov Kossman, the medical doctor was said to find a heartbeat from you in your chest on the right side, instead of traditionally on the left for Humans, when he laid his instrument onto the area. The High Council as they should be called instead of that Souler name, in response ordered you to Kurpanov Kossman’s medical barge ship for further examination.’”

  As I was saying the soul heard Hades gave out a crying wail and then the flames shooting into the sky leaving a black round soot mark on the ground in place of the male. The scene went black followed by the soul woke up screaming of terror shaking his form which took him moments to understand where he was. The soul was still unconscious dreaming those odd dreams involving Lance Richard, keeping him alive and expecting a favor from that. The soul kept on dreaming further of an adventure while contained in that tomb, kept alive, by the God of Hell. Groaning the soul rubbed a hand on his head and stood up as his eyesight flashed from night vision to day vision from yellow to colors. The soul looked at the corridor doorway to see fire light becoming brighter and brighter which he gripped the Mikan in his hands while softly growling. The soul stared at the light source revealing a figure with a male form holding a torch. The soul saw was a male while wearing robes that looked familiar, in red blood color that was hooded and showing a face of entirely black eyes that came into the room.

  The soul snarled softly as the figure turned to his direction speaking words he understood “Whose there? Show yourself now.”

  The soul slowly walked forward eyes on the male’s eyes that widened seeing him as if shocked.

  The soul stared at the stranger who spoke again “Why are you living here surrounded by darkness instead of being in the light?”

  “I didn’t realize at the time that my body had gone into some status involving being nearly declared disappeared on arrival back to Egyptia. It was the doctor dubbed Kurpanov Kossman in his medical sanctuary with my cloned copy, Timer scanning my mind. I was told both came to realize I was still alive contained in my mind with the God of the Underworld holding me there. The stranger was a representation of Ramses was trying to communicate with me hence he visiting me in my mind in Lance Richard’s sanctuary.”

  The soul in response swung the wide end of the Mikan at the stranger hitting him on the knees knocking him to kneel. The soul angrily grabbed the stranger’s hood yanking him in a standing position thrusting the sword part of the Mikan at the stranger’s neck.

  The soul spoke “I won’t tolerate visitors here who will be removed by my force even killed if they resist.”

  The soul yanked the stranger into the hallway towards the entrance where he could see sunlight shining outside like a Traveler’s Gate. The soul brought the stranger to the entrance and thrust him through despite putting back to the wall like the sunlight would burn him.

  “The soul thinking the sunlight would burn him despite not realizing it was just a figment of my drugged status involving Hades representation the drug used to keep me asleep into my tube trap.”

  The soul spoke “Tell the others to stay out. This is my sanctuary, no one enters.”

  The soul turned his back and sensed the torch light behind him shining. The soul continued walking through the corridor entering the sarcophagus room. The soul kneeled as his dream of Hades burned flashed in his mind making him scared and nervous. Groaning the soul rubbed a hand on his forehead and once again his eyesight flickered. Growling of angry nonsense gonoid nois
es of a dog, the soul got up and turned towards the room’s entrance to see a male, wearing identical robes as the stranger enter the room with a torch in hand.

  The soul charged at the stranger who spoke “Nikolai, I’m called Wally.”

  The soul paused mid charge hearing my name spoken by the stranger Wally.

  “I didn’t realize that Wally was mind scanning me via a small Meritanian plant in Kurpanov Kossman’s medical bay. I assumed the plant is a piece of Merra and Tank, mind scanning me. Wally wound up pointed out as one of the other doctors employed by Kurpanov Kossman himself that was mind scanning me at the time to bring me out of my deathly status.”

  The image of Hades catching on fire came to Nikolai’s mind making him react violently. Nikolai continued his charge swinging the Mikan at Wally who put the torch in front of his face. As Nikolai swung, fire from the torch came blowing at him towards his eyes blinding him temporary. Nikolai dropped the Mikan bending down placing hands over his eyes while hearing running footsteps getting fainter and fainter. Nikolai removed his hands to blink his eyes seeing night vision of purple for objects and pinks for humanoids.

  “I didn’t realize it at the time but the High Council altered my eyesight to have this