Files of the High Council 2 Read online

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bed and try to relax, Pave.’

  She was sensed to be angry enough to give another hissing fit as she watched as Jensen set the other bed for Pave to sit up on it. The nurse followed them with a big box on a cart that had a tube attached to the mask on Triton’s face. Tamyara was seen quiet while she sat with arms folded glaring at the doctor as Triton sat in a sitting position bow his head down breathing the liquid through the mask. Triton was seen sucking the liquid in and out and looked at Tamyara as seen via recorders.”

  Triton via admittance by the High Council watching the recording of that scene spoke “Tamyara mind walked my mind telepathically and heard my thoughts say ‘I’m sorry, Tamyara.’”

  Then Triton was seen looked down still breathing the liquid. Tamyara was heard by Triton on admittance groaned some sound and recordings showed her leaning back in bed lost in thought. She was seen looked at her mate and appeared to have sensed Triton had fallen asleep then went to close her eyes letting sleep over come her.

  Triton spoke “I recall I fell asleep despite hearing a familiar commentary sounding in my mind ‘Nighty night Smarty!’”

  Triton later learned belonged to a Meritanian saying that.

  It’s unsure of what Meritanian was saying that saying to Triton despite the male claimed the voice sounded male to him. Lancelot Nation is out of mind scans of Walls and Kiddy the two Meritanians living in the ocean off Oceana’s island of New Zealand as referred by the Humans. The island is referred as Meritania for being in vicinity of protecting the Meritanians from the harsh unforgiving seas involving storms. The mysterious Meritanian speaking that wording was assumed to be a piece of Tank that survived the transfer of Walls and Kiddy taking the places of Merra and Tank them in another planet dubbed Shadan. Unsure of what happened to Shadan at the moment.

  Doctor Jensen was observed via presses to arrive to the Press room which housed the press who were sitting in the room watching and waiting for him to arrive. Flashbulbs of cameras went off as Jensen went to the stage and went to the microphone as the crowd of people went silent expecting him to speak.

  Jensen spoke to the press “I’m Doctor Leif Jensen, her surgeon. Tamyara Chennikova is doing well from her surgery. She had a medical condition related to her back which went undetected till now. The surgery was to help repair function but not to her legs and feet. I must regret to inform you that as a result Tamyara have lost her ability to walk and is wheelchair bound. ”

  Jensen paused as the crowd heard paused to hear gasps and murmurs among the people in the room who looked at each other.

  Some of those people overheard saying “What about poisoned? I’m surprised that doctor isn’t mentioning a poisoned status? It’s common for Oceanans to poison people they don’t like with the Emperor’s reaction to his son’s pairing towards Tamyara seem like he didn’t like her. What’s going on with this?”

  The doctor appeared to be not listening to that conversation instead appeared to suffer from a headache of his mind scanned by hand rubbing his forehead and appearing to be eyeing a black plant on the stage with anger sensed. Black plant is twin to a Meritanian but unsure of whom that plant is either Merra or Tank. Not sure.

  One of the press people ignoring the conversation involving poisoned yelled out overheard “Could her athlete status be the cause of her medical condition?!”

  Jensen was quick to reply “No, the athlete status made it easier for Tamyara to live this long with the medical condition.”

  Another yelled out “Is her family being notified?!”

  Jensen replied “Her family, I’m told, is on their way here from Kenibia. They’ll be told of Tamyara’s medical condition, thank you no further questions.”

  Saying those words Jensen walked from the room and stood in the hallway appearing to look like he was shaken emotionally via the recorders recording his move from above him.

  Jensen was seen leaned against the wall with a frown and then straightened up to walk away overheard speaking out loud “You have much to learn.”

  That talking wording wasn’t explained as a result despite Jensen later disappeared soon after Tamyara’s disappearance or death in Human terms. Jensen’s disappearance isn’t death in Human terms it involves him going missing and never seen again soon after Tamyara’s death.

  Still trying to find out what happened to Jensen despite doctors and nurses at the hospital claiming to questioners asking about Jensen “Jensen’s gone to be with the Master.”

  Unsure of who’s the Master is despite Lance Richard’s annoying influences found within Lancelot Nation. Lance Richard is an annoyance god by the High Council including the religious fanatics referring him as All Seeing One God.

  A Meritanian was sensed within the vicinity of Tamyara who was sleeping with mind scanned. Her mind scanned by a piece of Walls in plant form in the room was she snoozed dreaming of her life as an athlete. In the dream she could walk and do acrobats. She dreamed of her floor exercise routine on Kenibia finishing the routine to receive a perfect score of a twenty. Unsure of the numbering but that’s what the gymnastics routines are rated from zero to perfect scores of twenties. She woke up when abruptly she felt a familiar mind and opened her eyes to stare at her twin sister Tanalla Chennikova, a Highlander like herself who stood by her bed staring at her. Their parents as sensed were in the hallway chatting with the doctor.

  Tamyara sat up with her sister’s help and mentally spoke via her mind to Tanalla’s mind with Walls via plant form eavesdropping “Hi Tan, what happened?”

  Her sister’s response was to put a shiny metal object with cloth attached to it over Tamyara’s neck identified as the gold medal natives athletes of the Terrania Unity Games seeks to achieve to win.

  Tanalla spoke voice speaking in Tamyara’s mind “Tam, after you were taken, we were in second place in the teams. Then we competed in the last two events and managed to do well enough to place first.”

  Tanalla appeared to pause noticing the shocked look on Tamyara’s face whose hand picked at the gold medal around her neck in some annoying method of caring.

  Tanalla continued “We won the team title over Oceana and the Kenibians placed third.”

  Tamyara mentally asked in a voice in Tanalla’s mind “Oh, how are coach and the team doing?”

  Tanalla answered “The team is a little shaken but doing ok enough to do their best in the individual finals. The coach as usual is still a little mad and not happy with what’s going on.”

  Both sisters frown in silence Tamyara saying “Blast I hope the coach doesn’t throw a hissy fit in response to me out of competition.”

  Tanalla was saying “Coach is fine for she’s got others to take your place that’ll do the job willingly.” then Tanalla asked verbalized omitting Tamyara’s response “How is life with Pavel Palin?”

  They were seen both looked at Triton sitting on a bed next to hers with his head down without the mask on. Somewhere during his sleep his oxygen attack got stabilized and his mask wound up removed but he kept the sleeping in sitting up position despite appearing to be asleep when he wasn’t.

  Triton via admittance said “I wasn’t really asleep despite I appeared to be asleep with my head shaking which I was saying in a Human’s gesture of no. I never heard Tamyara’s response to that question after that.”

  Tamyara hoping to spare Triton’s feelings wound up mentally replied “I don’t know I have no idea yet.”

  Tanalla spoke using her voice “I heard that his father was seen going around the events with an angry look on his face and he was acting upset. His guard, Tikcanni was seen trying to calm him down.”

  Triton heard steps in the room which recorders saw the parents of the Chennikova sisters, both of the Aquarian species. That despite birthing twin Highlanders births common among natives to have other species despite some cases of multiple babies carrying. Their mother, Rain Chennikova and their father, Mariano Chennikov came in the room both with worry on their faces.

  The Hum
ans’ terms for females to have an ah sound after the end of last name was adopted by the Oceanans and the male’s terms to not have an ah sound after their first name or last name was adopted.


  Tamyara spoke using her voice speaking in Oceanan, the Aquarian’s language said to a dialect of an indigenous tribal language of an island in the ocean that was adopted by the Emperor after he became Oceana’s ruler and insisted onto that languages uses.

  She said via recorders and Triton eavesdropping “Mama, Papa, I’m ok.”

  Rain was seen frowned staring at Triton asleep in the bed next to her daughter as she spoken in Oceanan “I know.”

  Mariano spoke “The doctor tells me you won’t be able to walk again.”

  Tanalla spoke using her voice speaking in Oceanan “Mama, Papa, sister should have a normal life would she?”

  Mariano replied “That remains to be seen.”

  Rain appeared to be frowning visibility as Mariano gave Triton a glare of accusation via expression while staring at the male still asleep on the bed next to Tamyara’s bed. The group lasted in silence from the memories of Walls observing the scene including the recorders.

  Tamyara was let go out of the hospital soon after that including Triton following her to an apartment on a ground floor in National City. Walls via plant form weren’t able to follow to see what happened next.

  Jensen was detected yanking the small plant and detected mind scanned appearing to want to toss that plant into the dumpster despite thinking “Plants making my allergies acting up.”

  Allergies are assumed is what Jensen was thinking involving his headaches. He was compelled to give the plant to Tamyara’s parents who took Walls home to Oceana instead of to Tamyara’s residence.

  The parents were mind scanned in the process thinking “A piece of Meritanian is welcome into our home.”

  They seemed happy saying that commentary when they took that plant home to their residence in Oceana’s underwater city of Sydney.

  Triton once he was in the apartment admits “I didn’t do anything but sitting on the couch ignoring my body’s functions like I didn’t have a purposes. It was Tamyara who broke that mindless mood of mind by commenting something to my mind.

  I didn’t comment hearing Tamyara’s mental voice in my mind of the memory of not having a purpose to live ‘You should be getting a job Pave!’”

  Triton frowned to eye Tamyara wheeling her wheelchair towards him sitting on the couch. She was felt thumped a fist onto his thigh he grimacing from the pain.

  Tamyara added “Why don’t you teach that language Basic to whoever cares to learn it? We of Lancelot Nation can’t automatically get that language from thinking in Americanian language. Hence we need someone to teach it. Since you’re fluent in Basic and Americanian why don’t you teach it?”

  Basic is actually dubbed English by the Humans and the easily translatable languages for people to get when communicating but not the thinkers of the hissing snake language dubbed Americanian. It’s something that the High Council is trying to influence the Lancelot Nation natives to think in, in hopes of getting the natives underneath their control.

  Triton groaned hearing Tamyara’s words obeyed to get up from the couch after awhile of sitting there staring at the walls not sleeping. He found Tamyara managed to wheel herself after him in their two bedroom apartment on the ground floor of the Lancelot Nation’s disabilities’ building as dubbed “Disability City” to his annoyance.

  He sighed and recalled thinking “At least I’ll have a purpose to do than sitting mindless.”

  Triton recalled “I wound up after some research with Tamyara’s help onto a computer at a library got a job at the National City’s high school as a teacher of the Basic language while wearing my Oceanan uniform instead of a regular suit of clothes. Students give me a hard time the first day by refusing to listen to me teaching or accepting my authority. I took out my frustrations on Tamyara by forcing her to mate with me.”

  The forced mating is a common behavior among Aquarians doing it to their paired mates.

  Triton recalled that Tamyara lay asleep in the bed in the bedroom shared with him. She appeared to have sensed him in the room angrily while he was giving off hissing noises. The hissing noises were Americanian words translated to be “Ay Kabaiya!”

  Triton to this day doesn’t know why’s he was saying that wording but it appeared to be compulsion to saying. Tamyara was seen opened her eyes and stared at him standing at the foot of the bed yanking off his clothes advancing towards her with an angry look on his face hissing away. She was felt scanned his mind as he reached her yanking off the blanket. Tamyara was heard giving off a noise of disgust as if knowing his intents as she kept her eyes on him as he mated with her. Triton found that Tamyara was a virgin with twin Human females’ barriers inside her which he ignored and thrust into her all the way into the hilt. Tamyara was heard by Triton giving off a hiss sounding of disapproval to him when he did that thrusting breaking her barriers and getting fully inside her. He did additional thrusting followed by spilling himself inside her like a normal Human sexually. Triton wound up finding his angry mood gone from him when he did the mating despite finding his mind scanned during the process of the rape mating onto Tamyara. He assumed she mind scanned him in the process of the raping.

  He pulled out and got Tamyara snarling into his mind “Get me to the hospital for the babies now!”

  Triton recalled “I had a moment of panic but recalled the mating created babies including Highlanders blessed with carryings of three days or suns while normalized Humans did nine lunar months.”

  The nine lunar months of carrying took over onto Highlanders later despite efforts to recreate the three suns of carrying.

  Somehow Triton managed to get dressed into his clothes in his Oceanan suit and got Tamyara dressed into her jumpsuit into her wheelchair and was seen wheeling her fast through the apartment’s hallway via recorders out into the city as the Guardian sounded its siren involving a cold storm. Triton and Tamyara were seen disappearing into a light show and found tracked to the local hospital’s waiting room as the Guardian sounded its warning siren for snow storm’s arrival. Once in the hospital as tracked via recorders the nurses clad in scrubs arrived and took Tamyara to a room and laid her onto the bed taking off her clothes followed by putting on an oxygen mask over her face and then left the room. Triton was seen for four suns pacing in the room as Tamyara produced the offsprings via abdomen growing swollen followed by twin babies pushed out both appearing to be Akylahs despite its not sure if their males or females. Akylahs as babies are the same outside till they grow up to adult sized is when their genders are revealed at the age of choice of nineteen years’ old in Human calendar years. The assumption of babies being males was from what Lodinu Borsov told Triton overheard via recorders into the room. Triton’s reaction to the babies was he stood appearing to be shocked while out of his suit wearing a hospital gown in the hospital staring at Tamyara lying on the bed with an oxygen mask on her face a blanket on her form and her eyes were closed. He moved his head to stare at the contents of a crib next to the bed where two babies lay inside. The babies, his offsprings both of the Akylah race, he saw lay asleep had feathered heads and with clawed hands which they moved jerking out of the blankets wrapped around their forms. He frowned staring at them and heard a step in the room.

  Triton looked up with a pained look on his face to see of the Monarch species, identified, Doctor Robb Marina who stood at his side speaking “It’s alright, Pave. It’s normal for Aquarians whether their male or female to force their mates into mating. Don’t worry about it.”

  Not sure if the forced mating was normal or if it’s Meritanians’ manipulation onto couples of Aquarian status to mate.

  Triton was seen moved his head to stare back at his offsprings lying in the crib as he heard Robb leave the room through the open doorway. He reached in the crib and with his hands adjusted the blankets surroun
ding each baby covering their arms as they slept. Triton raised his hands staring at them and lowered them when he heard a clicking sound entering the room. He was seen stiffening recognizing the sound as the foot claws of an Akylah male clicking against the hard floor. The clicking got nearer and nearer till Triton sensed the Akylah standing next to him. He heard a cough sound and looked at the Akylah whose feathered arms were folded and on his face were eye wear goggles covering his eyes. Goggles are for Akylahs to see better when trying to see closer instead of their far away sight. He via memory could see on the earth colored feathered arm was a sky colored armband with the Oceanan seal of a sun colored trident and sky blue color surrounding it. He recalled the armband of an Akylah and recognized Lodinu Borsov, the mate of his older sister Anastia.

  Anastia is a nickname as known as Crown Princess Anastasia Oksanisa Palina Borsova. She’s an Aquarian with usual red colored hair that appeared to be genetic manipulation to have her be born that way with that colored hair.

  Lodinu was overheard spoke “Among the Akylah it is always three children per carry, but among the other races having Akylahs, is always one child.”

  His words prove true with exceptions of twins’ two carryings at the same time seen religiously by the Akylahs themselves.

  Lodinu paused and continued “I’ll tell you some things we of the Akylah race of the island nation Prussia don’t like talking about cycles ago just before each island nation was aware of each other.”

  Prussia is seen as formerly Russia by Humans as lakes with deepest waters than known to the natives ever explored. The Aquarians have refused to explore those lakes despite some enemy like feelings towards the Akylahs and the same feelings towards them.

  Lodinu continued speaking overheard “Akylahs on Prussia were fighting each other for their females to assume the leadership position as Tsarina.”

  Tsarina is titled position of the Akylahs’ species that are female dominated with females leading the way while males do the protecting and establish their females into leaderships’ roles.

  “A female, after three suns of carrying, in front of a large number of witnesses had two sons, my brother and I. Word spread, the fighting stopped and my mother was declared the Tsarina a position she has kept ruling us in peace.” said Lodinu who added “You Pavel Palin as the father and Tamyara Chennikova as the mother with your two Akylah sons will be looked with respect among my people. Consider yourself honorable for that. Your sons in the Akylah tradition will be named after their mother using the names of Tamu and Yaru.”

  Akylah tradition