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A Bedtime Story Version 1 Page 3
A Bedtime Story Version 1 Read online
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by the High Council, back then, to do something silly, as in getting a group of Highlanders led by a Highlander, instead of a female Human Highlander Hybrid, who was abusive in her position, according to files and a mind walker. The female had mind walking ability, only involving touching skin to skin, and reading people's minds, when doing mating onto people hence she used herself as a whore, according to files. Jinks was sent back to help capture her, into some situation involving pregnancy, which she wound up carrying, but Lance Richard assassinated her, soon after she birth the offsprings, reportedly twins. Lance Richard, back then realized that Jinks was a puppet of the High Council, sent him away from the castle via horseback, which he met the High Council's warship and they fired onto him. They did intend to kill Jinks, but he survived the shooting and wound up knocked unconscious, as a result."
Nikolas exhaled a breath hissing loudly, hearing Yana's words, as he eyed Jinks who kept his mouth into a thin line and didn't speak a comment, as he heard from Yana further "The High Council wound up taking Jinks to the Hall of One Thousand Voices and locking him into a tube, alive, unconscious. They substituted another Human's bony body onto the area, where Jinks' horse was found with evidence of his death there, just to fool anybody of that and make it seem like he actually died there. Then after that Jinks via ghost form started to pester the High Council via dream status to live again. I suspect that the ghost was Lance Richard himself doing it, despite the High Council blaming it onto Jinks. The High Council in response took Jinks out of his tube while he was unconscious and hooked him up into an experiment, created by the Humans, of the Zesky Asylum, unknowingly of that, and created clones of Jinks. Multiple clones, actually hence original Jinks has scarring on his back as a result. Oh."
Nikolas heard a sound of disgust loudly from Jinks, to frown eyeing Yana who halted her talk to look up towards the Soulers, with a glare involving her eyes, displaying all black and looking angry. He kept his mouth shut into a thin line, recognizing the glare from Yana was twin to the glare, from a female Human calling herself Edenia, via stories of where he came from, born from her, despite being a clone. He gulped and got Yana's throat clearing noise loudly, while noticing she was glaring at the Soulers with her eyes narrowed.
Nikolas spoke "What else did you find out via the computer file?"
He frowned as Jinks spoke, he noticed the male, speaking "The High Council made a game of trying to kill me via my clones, with whatever assassination method, they could think of. They kept me contained into my tube, hooked up to the cloning machine, for creating multiple clones of me, with various methods, they could think of them, they tried to kill each one of them, a game that last lengthy, for too much time. It's just a game to amuse themselves, when its obvious Humans weren't in supply, for that assassination to be done. Its something that the Wisers got King Winter involved, transporting a piece of Earth to Shadan and having the High Council plays that game onto the Humans and Highlanders living there alike."
Nikolas exhaled another breath as he heard from Yana "Guess what else is going on according to this file, hmm?"
He eyed Yana to notice she was glaring at the Soulers with her familiar Edenia like glare making him gulp as Jinks was heard "Hunting Humans, and killing them, is something the High Council was doing to the Humans on Shadan, in a game against the Humans versus Highlanders. They managed to get the other species involved, in doing it, but they didn't take the hunting theme literally. Instead the other species thought the Humans had to be extinct from their planetary worlds and feared despite they know the truth, that the Humans are the oldest of all species and didn't come from Edenia and her planet world Humania. Instead Humans came from a backwards, out of sight planetary world, dubbed Earth, despite it's mostly of water as evolution, said to that planet that created them."
Nikolas frowned but didn't comment a response as he noticed, Yana kept the glare while eyeing the Soulers, as Jinks remained silent.
He spoke "Out with that glaring look on your face, Yana!"
He glared at Yana, who spoke in response "Files say, that the natives of the Zesky Asylum caught on, onto this cloning business and was busy copying what the High Council tried to stop with their orders, as in cloning people too. Mostly Humans who were declared dead by the High Council that had a little piece of them, living on that were cloned and created those people, again to spite the High Council into thinking their assassination methods worked. This Alexei Zesky created this stunt in response, something the High Council caught on, and tried to stop, by having Mindbender, aka my Tom, take out Alexei, into some sleeping status, involving healing. Alexei according to their files, wound up cloned by the natives of the Zesky Asylum, but his clones came out wrong, multiple times. His clones were actually something else, am I right to say that the clones were you, Soulers?"
Nikolas gasped loudly hearing silence from Jinks as he eyed Yana who added "The Soulers most of them are cloned copies of Alexei Zesky, in a male or female form with something to make them, themselves."
Nikolas spoke "Most of them, Yana? What do you meant most of them?"
He frowned while eyeing Yana, to find her giving him a glare in response, he gulped seeing her look, followed by her, resuming glaring at the Soulers in their seats.
He frowned as Yana spoke "The High Council didn't actually leave Aire. They cloned themselves as Soulers, to please Edenia and her minions."
Nikolas heard loudly "Alright transport Yana, Dalton and Barry out now, Meritanians! They said enough!"
He frowned finding the voice sounded of Shad, the High Council's speaker, to find himself transported to Jinks' penthouse residence, into his spare bedroom. He groaned and went to sit down onto the armchair, to find Jinks appearing in a light show that landed onto the air mattress, onto his back, deflating that thing of air.
He sighed as Jinks gave him a Master's glare and spoke in his creepy voice "I expect to go around as, Dalton Montreal, when introduced to people and as Lance Richard, when that deity is required. Don't bring up the Jinks Montreal persona, to me, again. I don't care to be that person or take that job."
Nikolas groaned as there was another light show, followed by Yana landing onto the bed still holding onto her laptop, it folded. He sighed as Yana without a word, adjusted her position to sit, onto the bed and adjusted the laptop to type onto it rapid fired pace with the Master in control ignoring anything around her, he noticed. Nikolas groaned and found Jinks aka Dalton, he figured, he'll refer him from now on, kneeling onto the air mattress's flat status and appeared to have eyes shut, while looking like he was mediating to him. He sighed and leaned back onto the armchair and shut his eyes, hearing nothing to indicate of the alarm clock and found himself listening to Yana's rapid fired pace typing, lengthy, lulling him to peer at her. He found his familiar All Seeing One ability flashing into his mind, after he shut his eyes and felt disgusted to view what his mind dictated for him to see, opened his eyes and stared at Yana. He stared at Yana, who ignored him staring, to type onto the laptop with the Master in control, her mouth into a thin line, he sighed. He frowned as his joke sense went off again to his annoyance, involving the Meritanians, to find himself falling backwards, to hit metallic floor. He found himself helped up to stand by the Falcons, grabbing his arms, and hauling him to stand. Nikolas frowned as there were whining squeals, sounded loudly, followed by Timer in a robotic fast move, going down the stairs, leading to the throne chairs and reaching the bottom, while robotically rotating, in a spin. He frowned while finding Timer quit the spinning to stand on the bottom of the stairs, as he peered at the top, to find the High Council's familiar speakers, Shad and Onya were there seen via a hidden status, appearing in sight.
He formed a glare in response with the Master in control, as the male speaker, Shad, spoke "We want your undivided loyalty or else."
Nikolas kept his mouth into a thin line and refused to speak as he heard "Speak, you have permission to speak."
He sighed hearing that from Anubis, he noticed, was freed o
f a restraint, around his neck which he opened his mouth to speak, only to find the jackal was covering it via a gloved hand. He glared at Anubis, to find the jackal, was indicating Timer, standing on the bottom of the steps, by the head thrust in Timer's direction.
Nikolas frowned hearing silence from Timer only to hear "Just what do you expect me to say, other than giving you oaths of loyalty?"
He exhaled a breath hearing the creepy voice of Timer, sounding like he had a Master ability himself. He frowned as Timer rotated around and glided towards him to halt, once an arm length away.
Nikolas kept the glare with the Master in control as he heard from Timer again "Interesting trick done, Nikolas."
He stiffened from Timer using his name as the being added "The High Council injected their favorite servant Tom, a pathetic believer of them, with a homing beacon to find the Humans' planet Earth, and start up this game of hunting them again, onto their home world. Pity I suspect that Edenia already knows of this jokey status, done onto her, by the High Council, cloning themselves as Soulers."
He stiffened as an image flashed into his mind he shut his eyes he concentrated as he heard silence from the speakers and