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Who Am I? Page 2
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Chapter Two
Guardian saw the scene on the arch changed to show Nikolai himself younger sitting next to an eater with gonoid skins feet aimed at it while staring at a male who had robes covering him across from it. The male pulled off his robes off his head showing a face of small eyes with pointed ears and long black hair with a headband of metal on his head. His mind told him was his father’s second in command guard named Amony who stared at him with a frown. Nikolai laid down staring at the sky while feeling his feet warm. He felt a burning sensation in his feet and looked up as Amony darted around the eater with panic in his eyes. He felt the burning sensation reach his legs as Amony grabbed him pulling him away from the eater before tossing a bolt of cloth covering his legs and feet swatting it at him. He felt the burning sensation leave him followed by hotness feeling which he groaned loudly pulling at his long sleeve shirt yanking it off his form.
He felt Amony’s hand on his forehead and heard him speak “By the Gods, burning up.”
Nikolai laid on the ground feeling he really hot groaning loudly as he felt a cool cloth cover his forehead literally while in Egyptia. He shut his eyes as he was forced into a sitting position and felt something brought to his lips which he drank recognizing it as milk. He felt the coolness of milk and greedily drank as sleepiness arrived which he stopped drinking becoming still. He felt an arm around his form and felt his head lay on a lap with a cloth still on his forehead as he slept.
Guardian continued to watch as the scene changed to an adult Nikolai kneeling who he saw jerked his eyes to stare at Trevor who spoke “You as younger were burned on the feet and legs from an eater catching on your clothes which gave you the heat sickness. You suffered said to see an image of your father being burned by the eater repeatedly over and over during your sicknesses.”
Nikolai stiffened at the words as Trevor paused then continued speaking “After your father’s death you were seen going into the desert unstopped wearing what you described walking the perimeter of the city walls outside while crying out ‘Father’ repeatedly.”
He frowned at Trevor’s words who kept speaking “The hotness feeling you had that led you to here was the heat of the desert and the coolness of the tomb helped you feel better.”
He felt better along with hearing a male voice "Go with Trevor leaving the place my son."
He later identified as Lance Richard’s cruel voice speaking. He got up as Trevor got up and he ran to a corner of the room with hand over his mouth while hearing Trevor gasp loudly. Nikolai threw up the contents of his stomach several times along with choking like feeling which he felt something in his mouth. He coughed out to see is a small crystal jewel with a cloth necklace which he didn’t recognize but later realized it belonged to Lance Richard’s.
The High Council claiming “It’s the necklace of that annoyance god!”
Nikolai thought to himself as the High Council again ordered him to speak the story “I knew what annoyance god meant. Lance Richard himself.”
Nikolai resumed the story as ordered.
Nikolai put on necklace and went back to Trevor who spoke “Moves like a God for only a God can lead us.”
Guardian frowned finding Nikolai not acknowledging the words like he didn’t understand the language Trevor spoken. Trevor was seen handed him the Mikan. He followed Trevor out of the tomb to outside facing the crowd of people who get on their knees as if worshipping him as their God and leader.
Guardian found the scene changed to show Nikolai became Pharaoh as the leader's title and given clothes and is paraded through the city in a chair held by male slaves with his guards flanking him. The procession stopped at a triangle like stone building Guardian figured is a temple where there are others assumed to be priests there along with a chair in front of the doors.
He got off chair by slaves lowering it to the ground and walked up the steps to the chair where he is told by high priest wearing mask of a gonoid God Anubis "Kneel."
Anubis waved hands over him while chanting in foreign language words not understood but later remembered as “Ay Kabaiya!”
He saw Nikolai appeared to be staring onto the floor as Anubis is handed hanging a hanging lantern which he waved over him still chanting away. He watched as Anubis hands off lantern then placed hands on Nikolai’s head closing his eyes with his hands.
Anubis spoke "You shall be known as your name, Pharaoh Nikolai, ruler of the kingdom Egyptia."
Anubis’ hands picked at Nikolai’s eyes which he opened and sees the priest take a crown off the masked head and place it on his head. Nikolai rolled his eyes while making out a small gasp as he felt a tiny jolt of pleasure involving his body starting up again. Then he stood up and went to the chair to sit which crowd got onto their knees foreheads to the ground with arms in front of them.
He spoke loudly "I am Pharaoh Nikolai, ruler of Kingdom Egyptia. I will rule the people well."
Guardian watched as Nikolai appeared to be assisted by a priest called Omar who gave him advice on ruling.
Nikolai found some of the advice “I’m demanding insisting Pharaoh do this and that while ruling as Pharaoh!”
Nikolai appeared to be in love with a female slave with long sun colored hair named Sabba.
Nikolai spoke “I declared Sabba as my queen!” despite his priest’s wording “I must object to this!”
He and Sabba eat food before they went to bed asleep after that with her next to him with the female felt pounding onto his back despite unconscious.
Guardian frowned finding Nikolai appear to passed out and he waked up in the morning to discover Sabba dead with claw marks on her and her neck is broken. He saw Nikolai act like he killed her got upset.
The priest Omar arriving into the room appearing to be aware of Sabba's death spoke "It’s a bad omen to mate with slaves for your gonoid side came out and said no to slaves hence the killing."
Nikolai appeared to mourn Sabba's death wound up sitting on his bed staring at the ceiling lengthy as night and day go by. He appeared to not acknowledge anything all around him or the food brought to his lips. He kept on lying there till a female slave arrived into the room carrying a tray of food that kisses him onto the lips shaking his staring mood. He watched as Nikolai saw the female a slave and shakes his staring at the ceiling mood. Nikolai appeared to be in love with her and wanted to mate with her.
Guardian grimaced as the female acted rude to Nikolai speak "I don’t want anything to do with you!"
Nikolai he saw didn't back down instead corner the female in the room after getting up from the bed. He found her thrusting a knife at his neck when he cornered her to kiss her. Omar arrived into the room to get the female slave away from him to his annoyance.
Omar wound up speaking "You're not to mate with Niya the slave for it’s not what the Pharaoh is supposed to be doing."
Nikolai responded by going to Omar and thrusting a clawed hand onto the male's face to snarl "You will allow me to mate with Niya I want brought to my bedroom now! I as your Pharaoh orders it!"
Guardian found Omar darting away in sight followed by Niya entering the room with her arms folded.
Nikolai spoke "Get in bed now, Niya."
He found his order obeyed but she thrust a knife at his neck when he attempted to lie on top of her.
He spoke "I wanted you as mine when I first saw you-"
Niya interrupted speaking "You killed a slave female and I refused to suffer her fate."
Nikolai spoke "Niya, just kill me for I still want to mate with you if you're afraid of me."
He closed his eyes and waited as the knife presses harder into the side of his neck. He kept his face blank as he sensed the knife off his throat and Niya kissing him on the lips hands on his cheeks. Guardian saw them mate which Nikolai appeared to be is her first via shattering of her barrier Highlanders dub moon.
Then after the mating is done Nikolai speak to her in whispered tones "I have a gonoid side involves some great stre
She responded "I'm being fine with this."
Guardian saw Nikolai fell asleep and waked up sensing Niya in trouble to see Omar with guards in the room holding her with priest having a knife at her throat.
Omar is heard while Nikolai is quietly getting up behind priest’s back with guards not giving him away "Nikolai mating with a slave girl will ruin my plans to control him in his rule over the kingdom. I will have to kill Niya like I killed this slave girl dubbed Sabba by snapping her neck and getting Nikolai’s venomous claws on her body while he was passed out by a sleep drug in his food and drink."
Nikolai, he saw appeared to get mad roared loudly surprising Omar who turned around dropping Niya from his knife hold. He grimaced as Omar is attacked by Nikolai who used his claws on the priest's face who appeared to die from the venom in the scratches. Guards take priest’s body away as Nikolai is calmed down and allow Niya to hold him which he leaned his face on her head relaxing some more from her arms on him. He let Niya bring him to the bed and then they mate again.
Nikolai is heard speaking "I'm declaring my love to you along with hoping to have you as my equal my queen."
Guardian watched as the scene shifted to show Nikolai get new priests who are brothers Kurpanov and Trevor who he recognized as the ones who helped the male from the tomb.
He watched as a visitor a representative of that Highlander group High Council appear via white robed forms of death speaking "I am asking you about having a Queen and choosing her among the population."
Nikolai saw Niya put tray with drinks on ottoman next to his throne chair which he got up as she knelt with head down.
He spoke "I have already chosen a female as my queen."
Nikolai went to Niya pulling her up who won’t look at him.
He kissed her on the lips and speaks "I have chosen Niya as my queen."
Nikolai spoke his words while hearing the High Council member speaking “I must protests to who you chose as your queen!”
Niya he saw was stiff to the touch which he heard Nikolai whispered in her ear "I'm begging you to be my queen and my equal."
He ignored Ambassador of the High Council took her to his bedroom to resume kissing her on the lips while feeling her really stiff.
He pleaded with a begging tone "I want you as my queen to accept as mine."
Niya he heard haltingly agreed in a broken voice eyes still not looking at him “...I…agree…”
He held her and brought her to the bed and mated with her. Once done night arrived fell asleep. He waked up in the sun light to discover her gone and goes out of bedroom in the buff naked of clothes roaring for her while feeling angry.
Kurpanov his priest is there with his guards as he roars "I want Niya now! You'll have to go out searching for her!"
His guards point out his nudity with their eyes and heads staring at him which he saw and realized that he’s not wearing clothes. He went back into bedroom put on clothes as Kurpanov followed him. He was forced by Kurpanov to eat and drink food set at a table in the room which he takes and then once getting up fell to the floor unconscious.
Nikolai waked up to discover it’s night time and he was in his bed while hearing crying sounds. He saw Niya standing in front of his window that looked twin to the window in the Zesky Asylum while she was crying tears and clad in pantsuit.
Nikolai went to Niya rubbing her back speaking "You're not leaving me again for you're as mine as my queen."
He heard Niya speak "My father abused my mother after speaking twin words you spoke to her using the word Priestess instead of queen. My father in one of his angry rages killed my mother in front of me who I as a child ran away. I was found by the Pharaoh who had two slaves raise me and had me become a slave once I was old enough."
He stiffened hearing the words as Niya adds "My father was Omar the priest who didn’t recognize me when he tried to have me killed. I'm afraid of suffering my mother’s fate hence myself trying to run away. A Priest named Trevor caught me and talked sense to me into revealing the truth to you."
Nikolai lowered his hands went to a chair appearing to be twin to an armchair and sat staring at her as she resumed crying while continuing to stand in front of his window. He continued to stare at Niya who kneel curling into a ball while still crying away. He got up walking towards Niya to pick her up carrying her to the bed appearing to be a patient bed of the Zesky Asylum. Nikolai placed her on and pulled the blanket on her form. He got into bed wrapping his arms around her as she fell asleep which he lied awake for a bit.
Nikolai wound up hearing a voice "Nikolai, get some sleep for you’ll need it."
He closed his eyes and fell asleep as if obeying the order sounding of a Meritanian speaking it to him despite hearing “Nighty night Smarty!”
Guardian frowned finding the scene changed to show Nikolai is in throne room sparring with a guard using Mikans.
His guard gets his Mikan out of his hands then halts to speak "Pharaoh, see about picking up your weapon to resume the fight."
Nikolai he saw appearing to not realizing it uses blurry speed to go to the Mikan picking it up.
He heard guards around him gasp out “God.”
The word didn’t register to Nikolai from the behavior which he saw the male easily dismissed but sensed him confused as if the guard used foreign wording in front of him.
Messenger boy arrives in room speaking "Guards have requested Pharaoh Nikolai to the fighting room."
Nikolai agreed to go walks with guards escorting him to the room a large outdoor courtyard.
He was surrounded by guards in a circle which one spoke “I challenged Pharaoh to a fight by Mikan!”
Nikolai spoke “I accepted.”
He fights with the guard who got the Mikan out of his hands as he sensed from behind him an arrow flying towards him. He twisted to his right grabbing arrow with his right hand and with left arm blocks the wide end of the guard’s Mikan.
He heard a voice speak loudly halting the spar which he recognizes as the official who visited him before “Halt the fight now!”
Nikolai sees standing with the guards. He saw another guard who have Niya with him knife at her throat and her hands are tied in front of her with ropes. Nikolai stared at Niya as guard with Mikan knocked him to a kneeling position then has blade part of Mikan at his throat.
He heard official speak "Nikolai killed a slave girl when she displeased him and is pleasuring himself on another slave girl."
Official paused as guards around Nikolai become silent which the official continued again "Nikolai was raised to be spoiled doing things his way without caring about others even hurting them if he is not happy with them."
Guardian remembered Trevor’s mysterious God line spoken when Nikolai was in the sarcophagus room and guards in throne room speaking the word “God” while gasping.
The wording dawns on him the male have a fast speed ability to move. Guardian found Nikolai looking away with a look in his eyes as the official continued to use a ranting tone while speaking gibberish like language he didn’t understand.
Nikolai heard guards grumble loudly “Can’t this idiot shut up?”
Guard with Mikan swings weapon aiming at his throat which he used blurry fast speed to get up on his feet and move till he is behind the guard. Guard turned around looking for him seeing he charged with Mikan again swinging. Nikolai used his ability to move behind guard who’s Mikan meets air every time it swings at him. He sensed the guards surrounding him are silent as the officials are gasping loudly. This process lasts repeatedly several times till the guard with Mikan tossed it onto the ground then knelt with head bowed. Nikolai eyed Niya which he saw guard besides her cut ropes binding her with knife freeing her and then gently pushes her forward then knelt as the official and guards kneel. He kept his eyes on Niya whose eyes are staring at the ground as she hesitantly walked with halting steps towards him. He placed hands on her cheeks kissing her on the lips whil
e feeling Niya kiss him back. He placed his arms around her in a hug then looked around at the kneeling people.
Nikolai spoke "I have chosen a reason for living. I expect my people to accept this."
He heard "We accept."
It's spoken in unison from the guards and official who are kneeling on the floor sounding of two voices in unison instead of multiple voices. Nikolai brought Niya into his room that looks like she’s upset with something but gets her to talk.
Guardian kept on watching as Niya admitted to Nikolai in private of their bedroom "I'm pregnant."
He saw Nikolai appeared to have accepted this news with joy by rubbing her abdomen area where the baby would grow. Nikolai, he watched during Niya’s pregnancy acted fascinated with the baby moving from inside her from having hands on her abdomen while feeling the movements. Niya once her abdomen is so swollen went into labor has a baby which is a boy with all black eyes and Human like hands and appearing to have inherited Nikolai’s hair of blackness.
Niya heard by Guardian speaking “I call this boy child Lance Richard as he should be named.”
Guardian found the scene stopping onto the travelers’ gate image and spoke his familiar lines “I am the Guardian of Life and Death. I will judge you on my scales on your life.”
The soul being judged had his soul taken from his body and put onto the scales to be judged. A feminine voice was heard shrieking of joy followed by the soul resumed back into the soul’s body.
Guardian spoke “Life is what’s given you so be gone now.”
He made a blow motion over his mouth with hands in a circle that were clawed. The soul wound up finding himself transported out of Egyptia via the feeling. The transportation involved flying out of Egyptia or Humania as the world should be called and flying in the rigors of space like a satellite. The soul wound up flying past planets some numerous and seen that appeared to be a blur. The soul wound up orbiting onto a planet that was mostly full of water with islands all over the place including winter’s kingdoms of ice and snow on the north poles and south poles. The soul eyed an island as if drawn to found the soul flying towards the island showing a rocky castle sitting on rocks surrounding by a harsh unforgiving sea. The soul eyed the castle as if drawn and didn’t think of a comment as there were chanting noises heard.
The soul heard the chanting noises and frowned for the noises sounded of “Ay Kabaiya!”
There was thunder and lightening flashing above the castle that hit the topmost part of the castle like a rod of electricity and went into the castle. The soul kept on watching as if drawn to find the electricity led via rod into the castle and went into an opening of the room where there was a figure laying there wrapped in mummy wrapping of ropes. The figure was appearing to be a male and lay wrapped appearing to be dead to the world as the electricity from the rod entered the room and hit the figure. The figure darted into a sitting position and appeared to be arching its back like in pain. The soul found themselves entering the figure and felt pain for the first time. The soul entering the figure screamed out a cry of pain and anguish followed by hearing a faint noise that sounded familiar to his ears. The soul realized he was a male from the feel but kept on arching his back and feeling pain entering him via the back via something attached to the back area making him arch in response. He felt the pain quit followed by a faint roaring noise sounding into his head that was either his ears or his mind giving off that noises. The male didn’t realize what the noises was and continued to hear it followed by arching his back repeatedly. The male found the pain quit followed by a terrible urge to breathe obeyed despite not sure what the movement or motion was. The male wound up gulping in air as if compelled the air stank of seawater and smelled of seawater to him. The male heard jabbering voices sounding excited to him found himself no longer alone in the room where he was lying on a hard metal bed. The male frowned finding nothing coming to mind as to who he was in mind except a name Nikolai came to him. The male felt confusion to the name of Nikolai didn’t protest as hands were felt yanking away the wrapping of ropes around his form baring his form naked like a newborn baby. He didn’t know he was naked or bare of clothes as the hands were appearing to be gloved appearing to be belonged to figures wearing white hooded robes he later learned were of the High Council taking sanctuary into the castle that used to belong to the Drainers. He didn’t realize the High Council left the planet on an ultimatum of Edenia giving them. The servants of the High Council remaining planet bound managed to get banished to the castle with the Drainers kicked out to live on the abandoned Annoyov Barack Station on one of the High Council’s useless islands fueled by a volcano as power source. The High Council servants had continued the work of the High Council group into some God status as them as monks of a religious order believing into the High Council as a god. The order of the High Council was including restoring manoids who were declared dead by the Souler Council back to life via methods of electrical lightening zapping their bodies via rods to return them back to life. The male felt a familiar head pain like he knew it somewhere but didn’t know where it came from as he was lifted up and carried out of the room. Blackness was placed over his eyes he didn’t realize was a blindfold he didn’t see through it. The male felt confusion hitting him as the robed figures the remains of the Highlanders and hybrids of Highlanders and Humans called Elves left behind planet bound carried him through the castle. He didn’t realize he was in a castle as he was carried down steps to a room and dumped onto a bed with blindfold removed. The male found the robed figures leaving him into the room ignoring him opening his mouth he didn’t realize it and making grunting and gasping noises. The male felt confusion hitting him to why he was put into the room from where he was from.
He sensed nothing coming to his mind except the word “Nikolai.”
It sounded like a mantra in his mind including sounds that sounded familiar bringing him feelings he didn’t realize he had. The male in response smelled something stinky frowned what it was as liquid pooled around his body including solid stuff came out of him. He remained laying onto the bed as if needing to do not acknowledging the bathroom waste his body gave up. He ignored the smell and the liquids and solids pooling in a fast move till he felt like he had an enough of sitting swung his legs off the smooth bed. The male found his legs into his eyesight he didn’t realize what they were and stood up for the first time collapsing onto the floor same material as the bed. He again felt the pooling of liquid and solids dripping from his body he didn’t realized he went to the bathroom. The male heard a familiar sound sounded again that made him look in a direction towards the noises. He saw a wall he figured what it was opened swinging into the room showing a figure he grimaced seeing. The male grimaced grunting in response seeing the figure was clad in smooth clothing with a face of entirely no features and orbs of gold color where the eyes were. The orbed male was holding onto a rope where a figure or something four footed with furry skin was giving off noises and lunging towards him as the orbed male held him back via rope around his neck. The male eyed the creature lunging with a range of emotions hitting him as if he was shocked and didn’t realize it.
He wound up opening his mouth and blurts a word shocking him “Shaw.”
The male felt confusion hitting him as the orbed male without a word pulled the lunging furry creature away out of the room shutting the door with a bang sound. The noise made the male grimace in response to the sound sounded too loud for his ears. He found the stink remained including the liquid and solids pooling around his legs and body to his annoyance. The male felt confusion hitting him to what the stuff was and found himself disgusted by its smell and touching onto his hands and arms. He remained sitting in the mess of the stuff followed by forcing himself to kneel. The male slumped down onto the floor again into a lying position like he had no strength to remain upright. The male found the pooling of liquid spurting from him including the solids stop along with a feeling of relief hitting him like he was glad this stopped. The
male felt a compulsion to shut his eyes obeyed despite lying in his own mess. He found himself passing out unconscious as if drawn to do it.