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- Beth Hoyer
A Shark's Tale Page 2
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Page 2
I didn’t say a word as Kokay spoke “The Hayu don’t get it that you Great Whites are equal to them despite you living in the ocean. They always treat you Great Whites as science experiments worthy of testing. That includes whatever test they can think of doing towards you and your kind. It's not right of them to do that period. They should learn the lesson that you Great Whites are their equals. That despite being in a Hayu form on land and a Great White form in the ocean.”
I was in too much pain to answer towards him instead curled into a ball and shut my eyes to pass out unconscious.
Chapter six
I woke up smelling food to find a bowl of soup next to me. Kokay was sitting crossed legged on the floor with legs in an odd angle. I didn't pester him why his legs were like that. Instead I sipped the food finding myself terribly hungry then once done cleared my throat loudly to get Kokay looking at me with a glare.
I spoke "Something I should be doing for you Kokay?"
I clamped my mouth shut in response while eyeing Kokay who spoke "Just remember your mission to sink that boat. Do what it takes to get the boat sunk period. That's all I ask from you as a Great White."
I didn't say a word in response instead went into the pool. I shifted form into the shark. Then left the area to find the familiar boat drifting near the river's entrance with the familiar stinky smell again that made me excited but I refrained myself. I recognized the familiar trap set there ignored the trap to swim around the boat underwater. I spotted what appeared to be the boat's fins propelling it in the water. I attacked the fins biting it only to get pain in my mouth each time I bit the area. I felt poking pain from the surface hitting me whenever I was near the area. I kept on biting the fin area receiving the familiar pains as usual till I started to get tired from that. The stinky smell got me too hungry to ignore. So I wound up into the trap again as usual along with passing out unconscious once in my Human form. I woke up finding myself as a shark again in the cage but this time felt a familiar itchy feeling on my back that refused to go away. I wound up swimming towards the river way's rocky walls to rub my back but received pain from that scratching itch attempt. I got too painful found the familiar fishes and fed off them before traveling to the tunnel. Once inside the pool allowed myself to change into Human form to pull myself out of the area onto the familiar metal bed. I wound up falling unconscious.
Chapter seven
I dreamed of my parents again. This time Mom was in some observation room pounding onto a window while looking panicky to me. Dad was seated in a chair looking like an armchair and looking sad by the expression on his face. I wasn't sure why my Mom was pounding onto the window. The view shifted to show figures in astronaut wear gathered around a large water tank holding a giant fish in it I recognized as a Great White Shark inside. It had wires and tubes going into it from machines around the tank. The Great White Shark was sitting in the water floating not moving. I could see the gills moving indicating it was breathing the water. I felt confused to why I was seeing this scene. I felt a tugging sensation on my left arm found the scene went black. I came to find myself back onto my metal bed in my Human form. I woke up to find Kokay looking annoyed by the expression on his face. He didn't look pleased to see me instead gave me a glaring expression making me nervous unexpectedly.
I wound up gulping then spoke in a timid voice "I tried to sink the boat but the inhabitants gave me resistance to doing it."
I clamped my mouth shut and eyed Kokay who kept the glare. He then jabbed a finger aimed at the pool.
He spoke "Your mission isn't done till you sink that boat period. Don't come back till it's sunk. Don't try to hide that from me for I'm watching you period."
I didn't say a word in response went into the pool to swim again. Again I feeding onto the fishes and this time found the boat but allowed myself to get caught into the trap.
It was due to a voice screaming at me "Their helping you get rid of the virus!"
I recognized the voice as my Mom's. I got caught into the trap but this time forced myself to stay awake. I changed into Human as the cage's water flowed out this time the scene went black.
Chapter eight
I wound up coming to finding myself standing into a water tank with all sorts of tubes sticking to me. This while naked with astronauts gathered around the area to hear a faint sound of my Mom's voice.
She was screaming "Lizzy! I love you my daughter! You'll be alright so trust them!"
I didn't say a word in response as the astronauts forced me back into the water. This time I shifted into my Great White shark form and passed out. I came to dreaming of myself back into the boat's cage again and freed from there. I wound up swimming around but this time avoided going into the trench. I swam away from the area as fast as I could swim. I found myself going in a circle from the looks of things. I had no choice but to swim into the trench to swim into the tunnel to reach the pool. I came out in my Human form. I came out to find Kokay giving me a glare and looking angry as usual. This time I felt rage of anger hitting me attacked him with my hands fisted. He appeared to have no defenses from my blows of fisting him. I dumped him into the pool and changed into my shark form to attack him. Kokay kept trying to get a fist onto my front area each time I tried to bite him. He kept up the fisting and kicking despite my attempts to bite him repeatedly over and over. Kokay managed to get himself out of the pool which I followed him out.
I snarled loudly once in my Human form "Why don't you just give up having me sink that boat? You go do it yourself? I'm not doing that sinking for you period. You do it this time. I had an enough of trying to do it."
I glared at him with my arms folded. He gave me a glare and shifted his skin's looks from green colored to grey looking. This included Kokay forming a shark's head with shark like teeth instead of his Human like head making me step back in fear in response.
I gulped while staring at Kokay who gave off snickering like laughter.
I heard from him "The Hayu think their smart enough to defeat me. I will have what I want. Hah, hah."
I stiffened from his wording as he dived into the pool. I followed him form changing into my familiar shark form while swimming out of the tunnel back its familiar route to the boat. I saw him trying to attack the boat's fins despite resistance done by the boat's inhabitants. I wound up swimming behind him during his attack onto the fin to bite him on the leg from behind. I chopping a chunk of his leg off of him which I spat out. The chopping stopped his attacks to get me more excited from the smell of blood bleeding from him. I attacked him again he not giving any resistance. This time I chomped off his head. I spat it out then continued to bite the remains of Kokay's body till there was nothing left but pieces. I wound up swimming into the cage again to shift into my Human form to black out. I came to finding myself standing in my familiar water tank this time. One of the astronauts handed me an empty bucket which I figured out what it was for. I wound up throwing up my stomach's contents into it seemingly lengthy till I was forced back into the tank and resumed my shark form. This time I figured I was dreaming whenever meeting Kokay and that the boat represented the doctor's medicines helping me heal from the virus. I met Kokay again in the pool looking annoyed but this time he was green scaly looking. He hoisted himself out of the water. I followed him out to sit on the floor giving him a glare of accusation with arms folded. He appeared to look nervous from my glaring but I kept it up.
He spoke "Cut the look you're giving me Hayu."
I spoke "Spill it Kokay. What's the importance of sinking that boat anyway? So talk now, since that boat keeps giving me resistance to being sunk."
I glared at him as he sat down crossed legged again his legs in an odd angle.
He speaking "That boat holds a bunch of Hayu trying to kill me. They have succeeded on getting Great Whites to join their battle of this war their fighting against me. That's something you should understand very clearly."
I spoke sounding firm "Interesting but what else you
r not telling me?"
I gave Kokay another glare and kept my arms folded while sitting crossed legged glaring at him.
Kokay spoke "Fine I'm really a virus that can infect Hayu to become Great Whites. The boat represents the doctors fighting me trying to keep me from infecting Hayu into becoming Great Whites on a permanent basis. That despite I having success in doing that."
I spoke in response "Well that explains what you're saying but explain how this virus got to Mars. Mars is a planet where Great Whites aren't known for living on that despite their known for living on Planet Earth." I kept the glare aimed at Kokay who formed a nervous expression on his face.
He speaking sounding of fear "I traveled from Earth via some undetected contaminant blood of a Great White Shark to Mars. The doctor on Mars was hoping to clone Great White Sharks via other sharks contained in water tanks. It was for the Hayu to view and admire in some place dubbed aquarium. Too bad this Hayu wound up sick from that testing and became a Great White himself. He is still living at the moment from what I sense from him."
I spoke once Kokay stopped talking to bow his head "Anything else regarding you and your obsession of making more Great Whites?"
I kept the glare aimed at Kokay who raised his head to speak "Obsession? What Obsession? I'm just a virus infecting Hayu into becoming Great Whites."
I shrugged in response and spoke "A virus got to have an obsession anyway. Viruses do period."
I found Kokay gaping at me before forming an angry look on his face.
He snarled angrily "I don't have an obsession. I'm just a virus that infects Hayu."
I again shrugged and spoke "Are you sure of that obsession bit Kokay? You kept on trying to have me sink a boat like some obsession. Sounds like you got some kind of obsession anyway."
I saw Kokay get up in a fast move with anger sensed from him. I got up in response but kept my arms folded and a glare on my face aimed at him.
Kokay spoke "I don't have an obsession! All I care is having that boat sunk period! Their trying to kill me! I'm just a virus!"
I gave off hysterical laughing sounds making Kokay frown unexpectedly.
I cut my laughter and spoke "You said it yourself. You do have an obsession. That involves having that boat sunk just to live period. Don't deny it now Kokay."
I wound up glaring at Kokay whose form shifted back into his Humanoid shark form. He ran towards me in a charge towards me in anger. I stepped aside and stuck out my foot tripping him. He wound up hitting the metal floor with a loud grunt sound. I wound up kicking him into the sides repeatedly. He rolled over and shifted back into his green scaly form. I quit the kicking to resume standing while giving him a glare in response.
Kokay spoke "Alright your right. I do have an obsession on wanting that boat sunk. Their trying to kill me anyway so sympathize with me will you?"
I glared at Kokay to speak sarcastically "Sympathize? What's to sympathize anyway? You're nothing but a stinking virus while I'm just a Hayu infected by you."
I kept the glare aimed at Kokay who spoke "Just get out of my sight and go into the pool before I'm tempted to throw you into there for making me angry at you."
I obeyed to swim out to the familiar boat in my shark form this time getting myself caught in their familiar trap. I got changed into my Human form and came to finding myself standing in the familiar water tank. This time the astronauts tried to get me to go underwater.
I resisted yelling "The virus has some kind of personal identity named Kokay! Its appearing to be a male Human with green scaly skin who admitted to being a virus to me! He admits to infecting Humans into becoming Great Whites-"
I was cut off by an astronaut getting me back underwater and into the tank shifting into my shark form to resume my dream.
Chapter nine
This time I found Kokay swimming in the pool swimming laps as I hovered nearby him in my shark form. I ignored my instincts to bite him instead watched him swim around in a circle back and forth repeatedly over and over. I figured that Kokay was angry or something hence he swimming. I didn't say a word towards Kokay instead remain in my shark form. I eyeing him warily till he stopped swimming and appeared to be gulping for air which made me confused. I watched him gulp air before going under water following the lights out to the tunnel me following him. Him still in his green scaly form till we reached the trench, I kept on following Kokay. He reached the surface and appeared to be gulping for air before swimming in the river way me still following him. I kept up the following till Kokay got caught into the familiar boat's caged trap. He was lifted out of the water out of sight. I didn't see anything to indicate anything wrong with him or wrong with the boat's inhabitant's treatment of him. I kept on floating till the view of the boat changed to an underwater tank from the looks of it. I wound up needing air found myself in my Human form to stand up abruptly while in the tank to find the objects sticking onto me suddenly falling off of me.
I heard a faint cry "Lizzy!"
I took a look looking around to find overhead was a window with my parents behind it standing in view. I eyed them as my Mom had tears falling from her eyes. This while seeing my Dad wrap arms around her and looking relieved judging by the expression on his face. I didn't say a word towards them as the astronauts got me out of the tank. They got me into some clothes of a towel like robe covering my nakedness then got me to sit into a wheelchair. It was wheeled out of the room. I didn't bother to glance around very much. I instead focused onto wanting to see my parents. I kept my eyes onto the hallway that was dimly lighted by round overhead lights above as an astronaut wheeled my wheelchair. I was wheeled down the hallway to an elevator which went up. Then the elevator stopped and doors opened to reveal an all white hallway that seemed familiar to me. I wasn't sure if I had been there but the hallway had glowing whiteness. It made me think I was wheeled towards heaven again. This time one of the walls off my left opened and my parents darted out to grab me in a bear hug.
I found myself not protesting to the hug instead spoke "Mom, Dad what happened to me anyway?"
I eyed my parents as my Mom was heard weepy voice speaking "You caught a virus from an infected madman who escaped from a hospital. He tried to get people sick with it. Cops killed him. You wound up sicker than any of the other victims with some case dubbed 'Hayu's Dream'. Its is the name of the virus. Don't ask me why it's dubbed that. The doctors themselves claim that the virus has some kind of Human intelligence hence it's called that name."
I didn't say a word in response felt myself much better being in the hug holds of my parents as there was a throat clearing noise sounding loudly.
I found my parents released me to find a male Human wearing a doctor's uniform standing next to me that spoke "Mister and Missus Montoya, your daughter Elizabeth is doing alright according to tests done on her. Indicating she's healed of the virus so nothing to worry about it anymore. She's no longer having this shark change ability. So don't worry about it, Lizzy as you're called."
I somehow felt myself relieved to hear as my parents resumed their hugging me again.
I wound up speaking "Mom what was the wording you were trying to write to me? I couldn't read I kept finding it gibberish?"
I eyed my Mom who broke off the hug to pull out my journal computer pad from her purse to hand it to me. She pointed out the file of what she typed.
I found she typed "You'll be put to sleep to fight off the Hayu's Dream virus infecting you. Don't worry you'll survive this I promise you. I love you. I'll be at your side hoping very hard on you surviving the virus."
I sighed loudly at what she typed as she again resumed hugging me.
Dad quit hugging me to hear him speak "When can Lizzy go home?"
I didn't hear anything else at all due to that the doctor gave off a throat clearing noise. I found a prick of a needle dart hitting my neck and sleepiness to pass out unconscious.
Chapter ten
I dreamed this time of Kokay. I saw him sitting on a b
each where a mountain was dripping red fire like liquid towards us in a slow manner.
Kokay spoke "Go into the water and swim away."
I told him "Not without you."
Kokay spoke "I'm dying anyway. So go in the water and revert to your swimmer self."
I went in the water and felt a change in me indicating of becoming a Great White Shark again. I was swimming in the ocean watching as Kokay walked up the hill towards the fire like liquid. He kept walking towards it to continue on walking into it while sinking further at each step. I found him become consumed by the fire liquid till there was nothing left of him. I found my eyes forced shut by some hand Human like forcing them shut. I passed out unconscious. I came to finding myself in a forest wearing my familiar wet suit on my form. I looked around. I saw my Mom and Dad ahead of me who were walking away from me. I ran after them to catch up with them. They wound up getting farther and farther away. I reached a beach and I saw an island in the vicinity. My parents were walking on water from the looks of it. I look to my left as if drawn.
I saw an angel being of light that spoke "Your parents are okay. You will be safe soon freed of the Hayu's Dream virus."
I found the scene changed to find myself walking in the forest. Then I saw Lucy there. We ran to each other and hugged while squealing of joy seeing each other. Lucy and I walked to a beach to stand where I again saw the angel.
The angel spoke "Lucy is doing alright, Lizzy. Don't worry about her."
I found Lucy walking on water walking away from me. She ignored my attempts to get her attention. I wound up finding my eyes forced shut by Human like hands.
Chapter ten
I woke up on a beach. I saw Kokay looking alive to me that made me confused. He was carrying me on the beach. He was carrying me towards the water that was of clearest blue colored I ever seen. I looked behind him and I could see red river looking hot to me flowing from a mountain. Kokay put me in the water and I felt myself lying onto it not changing into my familiar shark form.